Hi Steemit I was fired this morning!

in #life8 years ago

Well "laid off" is the correct nomenclature I suppose. While unexpected this was not entirely surprising - I work(ed) for a small market research company and the sales have been in the toilet this year. 1/3 of last years sales through August. I am not alone in my misery as there are cuts ranging from sales through other project managers and right up to the director of operations who is a lovely lady who has been with the company since its founding.

Anyway I don't really want this to be a Steemit sob story but if you want to give me any extra love today I will take it!

My former position was a work from home position. My wife and kids are still sleeping - this might be bad form in some respects to tell y'all first, but hey - you are my Steemit family as well. When I walk out of my back office after posting this, I am going to go look at the sleeping faces of my two angel boys and my beautiful wife @dillemma. I still have EVERYTHING important to me in the world. We will be fine. And hey, more time to spend with all of you beautiful people, am I right? LOL

Much love - Carl


So sorry to hear this. Still fantastic that you have your loved ones so close to you. Hugs <3

As luck would have it, a friend who doesn't have time for Steemit at the mo sent me her purse today to play with as I please. We are the minnowliest of minnows, and while I wish I could whale-slap you, I can only send a minnow nibble of a tip your way.

Your attitude is phenomenal. Hubby and I recently went through layoffs (both at the same time) and I know it's rough. But your priorities are straight and your head is in the right place if this post is any indication. You'll be okay Hugs

OMG @jrhughes I didn't catch your full drift earlier... I need to cast a larger drift net obviously! I was distracted by the nibble ;) Now I have reeled in your full intention. Thank you so much - that was a really generous gift and just lifted our spirits considerably. Random acts of kindness are really the best and serve as a great reminder of a simple truth - we are all in this together.

You have solid new friends in me and my wife @dillemma here on Steemit - let's journey together to the moon!

Same here, we are well met, new friends! To the moon, ASAP! ❤️

thank you for the sweet nibble! That is actually the first time I have been nibbled on Steemit. I like it. You made me smile! Hugs right back - much love - Carl

I wish you and your family all the best and that this be a blessing in disguise ❤️

You are awesome, keep up the great work. <3

You'll be alright man, sending infinite love waves your way. Hopefully something better will pop up, maybe you can be a full time steemian now :)

Much Love.

Thanks @soundwavesphoton - I definitely appreciate the infinite love waves! I am pretty sure that yeah, I will be spending a lot more time on here :)

Have some love waves yourself, to the top with the wave!

I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope you find a great new job that is personally fulfilling :)

So sorry to hear that, hope you'll find something new soon, you feel comfortable with! You're a great person, you only deserve the best. I'm with you with all of my best thoughts :)

Thanks JB my new friend - I appreciate it.

The end of one way is the beginning of another. You are due for a new begining. Now is ...

Thanks @maryuwa - that is definitely the right way to look at it. The beginning of something new, not the ending of something old. Cheers - Carl

I trust this will be behind you in no time. Really sorry for the upset. I love that you're already looking at the brighter side of things. Much love, big brother ❤

Thanks @misterakpan. There are so many brighter things to look at - the darkness only serves to keep them in focus. Darkness has its place in that regard, but only in that regard. I'm never one to wallow in darkness so don't worry about me - onward and upward

So the fun question to consider is not what are you going to do next.... but what do you want to do next?!

Man you will be fine. There is a saying Chinese as, every threat is a opportunities. This may be your time to start your own business? A well lesson about not to rely on a single source of income? Whatever it takes, this too shall pass, and you will only grow stronger.

Hope things improve mate. <3

We are here for you.