Songs can uplift you.

in #life6 years ago

A couple of days ago my cousin past away. This was a sad point in the week but it was also a time to rejoice. He had being living with sever health issues for nearly ten years. None of the family expected him to even live this long. That doesn’t mean to say that we don’t miss him. He inspired many although he couldn’t do much. He retained his sense of humor and almost always had a smile on his face. He could listen to you for hours. If you felt that you hit a bad patch and were suffering in your life, you just had to visit him and your spirits would be uplifted.

His funeral was massive. It just shows how many lives he could touch in his short time here on Earth. There was a great spirit at his funeral. A spirit of grief but joy in knowing that he is gone from this life but is no longer suffering. To close the funeral ceremony we sang God be with you till we meet again. I don’t think I’ve heard a song sung as powerfully as that in a longtime. The first couple of words were difficult to sing but the great peace that came from these few words gave you the courage to sing. I sang my lungs out and could not believe how overwhelming the sense of comfort and relief was.

He will be missed but his memory will never die.

Here is the Mormon Tabanacle Choir singing God be with you till we meet again. (This video was taken from YouTube)