Kicking The Habit - The Beginning (No More Cigarettes)

in #life6 years ago (edited)


The Why

Hey fam...there is not much of a cannabis community here yet so I have not been posting a whole lot. However, I have decided to start a new series of posts that I think will be something worth sharing here.

I have been smoking cigarettes since I was about 12 or 13 years old, and I am currently 33. The only addiction I ever had that was worse than this was meth, and I kicked it. With that said, I am sure I can kick this as well. I know it will be a struggle and I will need support. That is one of the reasons I am posting this here.

I have a wife and two children that I love very much and I do not want them to have to deal with me going through crazy health issues, or possibly dying, over these stupid cigarettes. This is for me, but more than that it is for them. I want to be around for these kiddos as long as possible, so it has to be done.

The How

I am thinking cold turkey is probably the best way to quit, but vapes are also in the realm of possibility. I am afraid if I go cold turkey that I will relapse and struggle a lot more than I would if I used a vape and tapered my nicotine level down over time. However, this would mean I am using nicotine longer than I would if I quit cold. I am back and forth on this issue.

If anyone reading this has successfully quit smoking by either of these methods, I would love to hear your stories and what you think worked best or would have worked better. I am really serious about this and I have to stop.

The When

I currently have enough cigarettes to last me the rest of today, and I am looking at vapes online and doing some reading. It will probably take me a day or two to come up with my game plan and buy a vape if thats the route I decide to take. I might end up buying one more pack of cigarettes until I pull the trigger, but then I am done.

I think I will shoot for Friday or Saturday as my final day smoking cigarettes (at leas the way I do now), and I am thankful for any of you who follow my journey and show support. This will be really hard, but with help, encouragement and willpower I think I got this.


you can do it! kick this habit in the BUTT (lol)!