Ashwagandha Update
A while back I posted about ashwagandha and how I bought a bottle of it from Amazon.
I've been taking one capsule twice a day for nearly a month, so now I think I'm in a position where I can talk about what it has done for me.

I do notice a difference after taking these consistently. I feel more calm and collected when I'm under stress at work or on a personal level. I don't feel the urge to automatically freak out about mishandled details anymore. I've noticed I have been letting a lot more things roll off me. This is a very good thing considering that I've had a bummer of a month.
I will continue to buy this brand. It came in a glass bottle and the quality of the capsules as well as potency of the herb seemed to be good.
That's great news @cali-girl! What a relief it must be to be able to feel triggers and stresses wash over you without digging in their claws.
Yes, it is a relief. I'll never be able to control the things other people or situations throw at me, but it's very helpful to be able to control my response to those external things.
I've felt that on occasion too and wondered at how easy life must be for those who have more control over their fight or flight mechanism in social interactions. Preaching to the choir I think!
Glass bottles are the best ⭐️