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in #life7 years ago

What Can You See, But God Can Never See?

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My friend who usually answers my questions when solving riddles isn't available, so where better to turn to than an intelligent community like SteemIt.

Here's the full riddle:


You know those people who seem to just get it? Bursting with all those ideas? They get everything they want because they make it happen?

It's because they think like this. It really is simple. You learn to think like this by thinking like this.

Which is why I invite you to try to solve this riddle on your own before reading further. In my introductory post (from a couple months ago now...time did what?), I shared how I'll be giving away all my ideas for products and stories here on SteemIt. One of the best ways to train your mind to come up with new ideas is to try to solve riddles and lateral thinking puzzles like this one. It forces you to ask questions, question your assumptions and see things in new ways.

The trick is to let yourself sit with the discomfort of not knowing the answer. Even if it takes days. Let it eat at you. Let curiosity consume you. And then eat back. Eat the hell out of your own discomfort.

Challenge Your Creativity. Solve puzzles.

Life opens up when you don't see problems as problems, but as opportunities to expand yourself. It takes ten minutes a day. Choose a riddle, think about it for ten minutes, and then live your daily life. Let your unconscious mind do some thinking for you. If you don't have an aha moment, return to the riddle the next day, brainstorm possibilities, and repeat. It's a self-fulfilling habit. After a while, you'll find yourself effortlessly solving the problems in your life, at work, and at home. You become a problem solving machine. Things you didn't even realize were problems reveal themselves, and you have ideas for companies, products, stories and new ways of doing things.

Back to the riddle.

I doubt I solved it, but here are my questions:

  • Does God breathe? Can God not see his own breath?
  • God can't die. Can God not see his death? Can God not see himself as a mortal? Can God not see that he will, one day, die?
  • By see, does the question mean see with his eyes, or see as in imagine/visualize/see the point?
  • Does God even use eyes to see, or does he "see" everything the way that the universe is connected by physics and the forces of the immaterial? The way the universe comes together and feels itself out?
  • Can God not see himself as not all seeing?
  • Can God not see another God?
    • (As if that God is real...Humans can look at an idol of a God and see it as real, or a representation of the real thing, but can God do that? Can God deceive himself? Can God forget his own nature?)
  • Can God see things that aren't there?
    • (Are we here? Is this pen even writing?)
  • Can God not see something that he didn't create? If God created everything, how can he see something that he didn't make happen?
  • For the purposes of this riddle, can God not see himself without knowing who he is and why he is here? (Or what if we're all God broken into infinite pieces? Sort of like a monopoly, broken up because who likes the winner of Monopoly?Even the winner of Monopoly doesn't like himself if he always wins and there's no other game in town).
  • Can God not look in the mirror and see himself as a mortal being?


You can see that this riddle has me questioning reality. It's bugging me like a field of crickets under my skin. Even though I probably over-complicated things, I'm hoping the answer is something simple and clever.

If I did over-complicate things, I can't complain, because this puzzle made me think of God in new ways [even though I don't believe in him. Or her (I believe in equal opportunity disbelief)].

Here's It Is:

I took great pains to not glimpse the answer, and I have no idea if I'm even close, so please don't share the answer in the comments below! It won't ruin my day, but I'll feel like something precious has been stolen from me.

Imagine someone stole your only bitcoin. It doesn't feel good, does it?

Ok, that would ruin my day.

I didn't block out the answers to other riddles or crop the answer to 4.17 because I didn't want to risk glimpsing the solution, so if you're interested in solving other riddles, here is your spoiler alert.


If you solved this on your own, congratulations! You're a better man than me. If you're a woman, well, "person" just doesn't have the same ring to it: "You're a better person than me."

Person. It almost sounds personal.

Or...maybe you solved it because you know God and can introduce him to the rest of us.

Like, know him, know him. Maybe you could make a game of it. Does God play peek-a-boo?

Imagine God playing peek-a-boo with Donald Trump. I don't know who'd win.

If you enjoyed solving this puzzle (and that's what crypto is all about), the book is called Lateral Thinking Puzzlers, by Paul Sloane.

Thank you for your help!


Introductory Post:

*Will start churning out ideas soon.


Welcome to Steemit! Glad to see some new faces!