Take 100% Responsibility of life

in #life6 years ago


Hey Guys, if I talk about me, then I didn't take responsibilities of my life. But when I join this extraordinary community at my own wish and love. Then I realized that if we take your responsibilities of our life, then there in no regrets there is just freedom. If we fail or succeed,we can't blame anyone. When we blame anyone,we are just running from your failure. That means we are scared with failure. After a lot of thinking, we have selected to take action for our success. But when we fail, we blame others. This is cause of discouragement.

Taking 100% responsibilities of your life means that we acknowledge everything that have happens to us. It means that you are cause of all things that is happen to us. If we want a life of success, I know we all want, then we have to stay away from blaming and complaining others and have to be responsible for the results that can be failure or success. We acknowledge that you create the all the action in the past and we will create all the actions in future that we want to create.

For example, If a person don't follow this principle then he is running from himself. He blame others it doesn't means that he is perfect and other persons want to take charge of his life, (in bitter words) he has no stuff of bearing her failures and success. He himself want to take all of himself to others. That type of person can't feel sad for failure and even can't feel happy for her success. The success can be him but not him in his mind whether the person who take is very kind to him.

When we decided to take actions for our dream we have to take responsibility of it. The affirmation should be 'I responsible for all failures and successes in this matter, I am taking charge of the accomplishment of our dreams'.The better we responsible for your efforts of our dream, the better we care the dreams of our life. Everything that is ours should always be all ours. If it is lesser than we can't complete. We are always be incomplete, and incomplete cannot feel joy in his life


In Short, one cannot be successful in his life without taking 100% responsibilities of his life. If one has not done this and he is successful, than believe me he is telling a lie to himself and world. If I say that that is the first principle, than I will not wrong. If you don't do that and done all others things. It means that you have not done anything. Because you forget to place first the first brick to building of success

"If you can't take responsibilities of yourself, than you are not eligible to be succeed".

Take care...Good bye