The true growth patterns of things

in #life7 years ago

I was thinking about this recently when I faced a setback in my portfolio. I had hoped for a certain coin to hit a certain price for em to take profits and go on holiday. BUt then it retraced and has stayed there for days. I was feeling pretty bad about it but I still know it will rise again. It's in this up and down of holding that a new life insight occured to me this is how literally everything grows.

Think about it. Think about how you learnt how to walk you stood up then fell then stood up again then wobbled then fell and so on so on till you finally got to a place where you could walk. This is the true growth pattern of anything. So when you are growing as a person and you start new habits like eating healthy you'll get it right for two days then wrong on the third then right for another 3 days then a binge but if you persist you eventually get to getting it right for 7 days then 2 weeks then a month and soon its just who you are. Having this perspective is encouraging for me because I fail so many times and initially I used to give up entirely because I thought I would never quite get it but now I can perceive while I am failing that this failure is a part of my growth. Sort of the way a currency retraces and that low becomes its new support. Whatever you have decided to do keep going, every fall is you being one step closer to your goal.