What I've learned from making YouTube videos for 2 years?

in #life7 years ago

From working odd end jobs to graduating University and still working odd end jobs - I had the opportunity.. or well took the initiative to decide to do what my inner child wanted to do for so long.. which was to making videos on the internet and have the audacity to tell my story to the world.

So for the past 2 years instead of getting a job that made me seem normal or respected - I ran the other way. So here are the top three things I have learned by having my face seen 2,000,000 times on the internet.

Just because you have the courage to do what you love it won't be a direct correlation to success, let alone success, but here are another three things I've learned from failing at this YouTube thing:

  1. People will hate you.

You have to be opinionated - no one likes sheep especially online but that means some people will love you and someone will want your eyes gouged out - but you have to be okay with that.

You will be constantly judged, you will be criticized for every minute detail, your feelings will get hurt because you're a sensitive artist - and through this you will be stronger. Learning to take constructive criticism, redefining your IDGAF meter, and constantly self improving.

  1. You determine your own destiny.

You realize quickly that waiting gets you nowhere - you need to chip away at whatever it is that you want. Posting one video and expecting thousands of views magically will be the death of you. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on bettering your own craft and KPI of something other than social media followings of others.

Understand purpose and provide value and know if someone out there that looks like you has done it so can you - even if it's to a 1/10th of a degree.

Stop crying - no one cares, work hard and smart, and know when to go forward and when to re-adjust; on YOUR terms - no one else.

  1. Anything is possible.

If you would've told me I could make a $1,000 from being my awkward crazy self online - I wouldn't have believed you. To have opportunities like follow someone around with a camera and be paid for it - to exploring places I've never been - it's all about doing the things no one else does; putting yourself out there.