What I've learned from ''following your dreams''?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

What I've learned from ''following your dreams?'' Some say it's dangerous advice, stupid advice, and so forth but here are some things to consider when following your passions.

Self-awareness is key.
If you want to be a basketball player and it has been your dream since you were a kid - you need to ask your self; are you good enough? Because the difference between passion and delusion is crucial for your own success. If you're born 5'0'' - can't shoot hoop - following your dreams might not work. Talent is a variable mixed with hard work.

But.. there's things like surrounding yourself in an environment of your passions e.g. a coach, mentor, player development.

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It is going to be lonely.
It is usually those that are closest to your that will hurt and criticize you the most. Why? Because it's in their best interest to see you do things that everyone else deems as successful. But only you know yourself. For me? It was making videos. I loved making videos but for the longest time I didn't express that - instead I followed what others did so I wouldn't be judged.


Just because you're following your dreams - it does not guarantee success.
There's the stereotype of starving artists, working at coffee shops to get by to support their dreams and passion - and flash forward 10 years - they're still doing the same thing. It's a combination of skill, re-adjusting, and letting your work speak for itself whatever that is. Whether that's drawing, creating a business, or making videos on the internet.


There is one thing that I've learned - if this read was too long with anybody - you won't have any ''what if, and's or but's'' because you were trying to live a life trying to get approval from others . We are all going to die - and I'd much rather be on my death bed knowing that I went for it - instead of my dreams dying before I even took any action at 30,50, 70, 80 years old..