the story of the gang

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Ini kisah hidup Abang Long Fadil. Bekas gengster di Singapura yang bertobat. Tato yang memenuhi wajah setidaknya bisa menggambarkan siapa sosok ini di masa silam.

Memang, sebelum bertobat, Fadil sangat lekat dengan dunia kekerasan dan kejahatan. Pada usia 12 tahun, kelakuannya sudah ganas dan sadis. Kala itu, dia menggunakan sebatang kayu untuk menganiaya lelaki dewasa hingga luka parah.

Akibat perbuatan itulah dia sudah merasakan dinginnya penjara. Dan saat usia ini pula, dia sudah merajah tubuh dengan beragam gambar.

Pada usia 22 tahun, dia hampir mati, saat dihajar beramai-ramai oleh massa bersenjata kayu dan senjata tajam. Fadil memang dibesarkan dalam keluarga dan lingkungan keras.

Menjadi gengster merupakan satu-satunya pilihan karena dia diasuh oleh keluarga yang percaya bahwa, kejahatan merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk bertahan hidup.

“Saya tak peduli apa nasihat emak. Malah saya tak pedulikan Allah,” kata Fadil, dikutip Dream dari, Senin 16 Mei 2016.

Mimpi Kiamat

Sejak remaja, Fadil telah bergabung dengan gengster China Singapura, yang bergelimang uang, alkohol, dan narkoba. Di samping bergelimang kejahatan tentunya. “Selain maksiat dan narkoba, saya makan babi,” katanya.

Allah Maha Kuasa. Meski Fadli keluar masuk penjara, serta pernah berhadapan dengan maut, akhirnya lelaki ini kalah dengan sebuah mimpi. “Saya mimpi dilanda ombak besar, dan hanyut lalu terdampar bersendirian.”

“Saya yakin mimpi itu petanda kiamat. Sebulan saya tak keluar rumah kerana takut datangnya kiamat,” tambah Fadil.** (Dream)
This is the life story of Abang Long Fadil. Former gangsters in Singapore who repent. Tattoos that fill the face at least can describe who this figure in the past.

Indeed, before conversion, Fadil is very attached to the world of violence and evil. At the age of 12 years, his behavior was ferocious and sadistic. At that time, he used a stick to persecute a man until he was seriously injured.

It was because of this act that he already felt the coldness of the prison. And at this age too, he has been to the body with various images.

At the age of 22, he almost died, when beaten by masses of armed wood and sharp weapons. Fadil was raised in family and harsh environments.

Being a gangster is the only option because she is cared for by families who believe that, evil is the only way to survive.

"I do not care what advice emak. In fact I do not care about God, "said Fadil, quoted Dream from, Monday, May 16, 2016.

Dream of Doomsday

Since the teenager, Fadil has joined the gangsters of Chinese Singapore, who are in money, alcohol, and drugs. In addition to the crime of course. "Besides immoral and drugs, I eat pork," he said.

God Almighty. Although Fadli went out in jail, and once faced with death, this man finally lost with a dream. "I dream of big waves, and drifted and stranded in solitude."

"I'm sure the dream is a sign of the end of the world. A month I did not go out because the house was afraid of the coming of doomsday, "added Fadil. ** (Dream)