Knitting Myself Back Together

in #life7 years ago


I have been fairly quiet here on Steemit these past few months as I have been internally mucking out the stalls of my soul.

It is now time to introduce another side of myself. It is time to be seen as the whole woman I am... as messy as that may be.

I have not been quiet about the fact that I have come to this Mountaintop Homestead to Heal. However, I have not spoken much about the Healing, the Wholing or why it is needed.

I sit here today in what feels like a VOID. I am seven years into this healing work. It has been work of undoing, work of releasing, work of witnessing. I really don't like where I currently am sitting... This VOID.

I expected things to begin to get easier. To begin to grow and flourish. What I found instead was a much DEEPER layer of work to be done.

The work of Knitting Myself Back Together.


I have picked up a project, actually several bits of old projects, to work on in thoughtful knitting meditation. I am one whose hands must be busy to focus my mind.

I am an adult child of a deceased alcoholic. I learned many behaviors while growing up that were designed to keep me safe, sane and keep the family functioning.

The time has come to change many of these behaviors. They are not needed in my present life. They prevent me from being all I can be. I am on a brain reprogramming journey into myself.

The Project


I have decided to knit a shawl. One that documents my journey.

One that represents the undoing of previous behaviors by undoing previous projects.

One that reclaims beautiful bits to be included in a new way, a useful way.

One that I can wear with pride, knowing the journey it represents.

Most importantly the knitting time is a thinking time, a quiet honest time, a simple time...

Just what I am seeking. I intend to share bits of the journey here with you

Check out the other posts about my journey of healing...

An Accidental Apprenticeship To A Mountaintop

An Intentional Apprenticeship To A Mountaintop

~All Text and Images Are My Own~

Just a girl... Living, Loving and Dancing her way to Wholeness with the help of a Mountaintop and a Purpose.

Follow the Adventure @borrowedearth

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Really beautiful post. I'm very excited to hear more about journey! ❤

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