
Thank you so very much, if you check out my last 2 they led up to this one :) itll help you understand the story even more. Its a tough subject for me and my family but talking through it on here with all of you has already helped so much. I may never know all the details, and I know a lot, that I may or may not choose to share on here someday but for now , I am trying to get the general story out there for nay other families who may be going through something similar so that they may see that it does get better and the main one who suffers in all of this is the child... even in to adulthood :(

Well said...and having grown up in a generation where everything was always a secret...its so different to have forums like this where folks share their realities so others don't feel so alone.

Yea but like someone has just told me recently, this whole thing wasn't chosen by me.. I was thrown into it...and if someone doesn't like how I tell their parts of MY story then that's their demons to deal with not mine.... I've had to deal with it and bury it in side of me my entire life and its time I feel comfortable enough to talk about it and start worrying about my feelings and not everyone else's