
in #life7 years ago (edited)

I watched this movie GHOST SHELL and it made me question the concept of death as we generally know it. Do we loose our lives when we die? That answer depends on the perspective of the person answering.
In the film the memories and consciousness of the lady were transferred to a robotic body made of synthetic materials. She didn't have her old body just the brain was left and she was still conscious of what was happening. She could see, hear and was aware of what was happening even though all of her body was gone. Her brain lived in a robot with synthetic body. Then came the question, is the lady dead?
I couldn't agree with the fact that she was dead because she still has her consciousness, she later got back her self awareness and visited her mom even though her mom couldn't recognize her in her new synthetic face and body.
Some will argue that she is dead because all of her body including her heart is no more. I disagree with that concept of death. By that definition it means someone who had an accident and had their lower body replaced with robotic legs and thighs is already half dead. Let us take it a step further, the person had another accident and the arms, the rib cage and neck bone had to be replaced with synthetic material, I still don't think the person is dead since they still have consciousness of what is happening around them even though their original body wherever it's kept, hospital or buried is decayed or already useless.
Now back to real life. When a person dies do they go to eternal sleep where they stop seeing or experiencing anything or does their consciousness just leaves their body and starts seeing and hearing things in a different environment?
Again the answer is based on the belief of the person answering.
Now here is my own answer, you can provide yours.
My belief system makes me realize that when a person is said to be dead all that happens is that their consciousness leaves their body just like the person whose body is been replaced by something synthetic just that this time around the consciousness leaves the materials of the brain too and physical eyes are unable to see their new form but that doesn't take away the fact that this person who is said to be dead is still conscious somewhere and if around can still see and hear what is going on. Infact my belief system makes me realize that this person will be questioned about their past life immediately after death.
So in my opinion when a person is said to be dead, what is actually happening is that all cells in the body becomes useless but the person is still alive somewhere having a different experience.
What form is this dead person in? I don't know I haven't died before and all I have said is based on personal opinion and belief. Anybody can form their own opinion. But just one opinion can be right.
For me I'll prefer to continue my experience somewhere else, I'll remember Facebook and I want to remember I wrote this.
The body isn't immortal but I think our life is. That is for those whose life extend past materialism. Who see themselves as more than a lump of cells and atom waiting to die at any moment.
It's a complicated issue, depending on perspective though.


If you look at it from a religious perspective. In a nutshell, it sounds like a modern-day video game with Avatars.
As they believe a God cares about them and directs their life. And interferes in the affairs of man. Thing is you won't know for sure till you die. But one of the easiest ways to create a useful idiot. Is to convert them to your religion. Then you use them as you will. All in the name of some God. Giving up this life. For a promised afterlife.
Keep it simple. The meaning of Life?
Give Life Meaning!

But have you ever wondered about what happens after a dead person closes his eyes? I don't belive in a religion that doesn't have any logical backing. Logically I think there is more after the cells in the body decay. The world is more than atoms or cells. Our consciousness should be beyond our physical being

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