in #life8 years ago (edited)

Silver – The Secret Weapon

Please let me elaborate on why Silver is a secret weapon, first off, why I would categorise Silver (Ag) as a Weapon, well the word weapon is a big word, what is a weapon?

A means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict? The word weapon is an ambiguous word, a weapon can be used for both good or bad, defence or attack and although the word (Weapon) seems to have a slightly negative connotation in its dormant state, that perception can switch to positive at the drop of a hat depending on the situation.

Example - if you are under attack by something, and you use a weapon to successful defend yourself, you might look at this weapon, as more as a life saver, peacekeeper, perhaps even a friend, because literally any ordinary object can be used or taken as a weapon, especially if you know how to use it as weapon.

Something as mundane as an umbrella is used, as a weapon, a weapon to shield a person from the elements, rain and sun, etc.

Shields are weapons, albeit defensive.

When we talk about advanced weaponry, the human immune system is a super weapon that battles all day every day in protecting a person from a whole host of things.

So how is Silver a weapon? And how can it be used as a weapon?
I'm not talking about using a silver kilo bar to harm someone in the shape of hitting them over the head with it;

I'm talking about a Weapon or weaponry as a resource, a bit like using insect repellent or sun cream to keep a person out of harm's way.

The surprising thing with silver is, most would never consider it as a weapon.
However Silver in its self is a powerful and strategic weapon that not only has been weaponized over the ages but just by its very nature as an element is most definitely a multipurpose weapon (it is what it is).

Did you know that the most powerful military weapons ever used are completely dependent upon on Silver, all advanced weaponry such as missiles, smart, atomic, nuclear bombs all need Silver for them to function, in all our modern wars, massive amounts of silver has been used?

A military army without the necessary silver resources, would not have means to develop or use advanced weapons in the theatre of war.
The Second World War was won because of the element silver, do the research and you will discover that the US had the biggest stockpile of silver and this ultimately gave them the edge or bombs to conclude this war.

When we look at folklore, myth and legend, silver is the weapon of choice, whether or not you accept the existence of werewolves, vampires or some other supernatural creature, silver is the go to element –
Why has silver been embedded into man's psyche as the weapon to combat nasty offensive creatures, is it because it has been widely known for millennia throughout the world that Silver has a remarkable ability to selectively destroy pathogenic bacteria while not causing harm to healthy probiotic bacteria?.

Yes it is true, structured silver destroys all categories of bacterial and yeast pathogens within five minutes, you would never think from looking at a piece of silver how powerful it is, but mark my words silver is incredibly powerful, this is why the medical and hygiene world is going crazy for the stuff, silver at an atomic or cellular level, literally blows up viruses and bacteria and it does so by actually ripping away an electron from the virus or bacteria in question thus killing it dead, similar to chlorine dioxide (MMS CDS).

I remember a while back, experimenting with discreet hiding places for silver, I ended up putting a 250 gram silver bar in my fridge, and something very interesting happened, every time I opened the door I felt this subtle fresh breeze of energy being projected out, all smells and odours disappeared, and my food seemed not to go off, if you don’t believe and you have some spear silver, please try out.

Have you noticed recently, washing machines, fridges, surface disinfectants, bandages/dressings, even clothes companies are incorporating silver into these products for its anti-microbial protection, it makes perfect sense and as we move further ahead as technology develops, silver will be used more and more, and the direction silver is going in technology wise, it will continue to be used as a weapon or in English slang a “tool” for the people against a parasite or a banker – have you heard the story about bankers being like vampires sucking our life blood in the shape of our hard earned cash, the biggest threat to the banking system and vampires is silver.

As far as silver being a secret, I think the proof is in the pudding, what valuable asset can you think of that has been around for thousands of years, where everyone knows its name and how it looks like, but hardly anyone knows or cares about its value?

The fact that silver is being hidden in plain sight from the vast majority of people? Isn't necessarily a bad thing? Because if everyone knew what we know about silver there wouldn't be enough to go around, it would suddenly become very scarce, part of the grand deception is to make it appear as though there is an abundant supply, which is easy because a lot of metals look like silver.

The mad thing is you can tell people till you're blue in the face about this secret and its importance and goes completely over their heads

People and businesses will eventually catch on and when this happens the cat will be out of the bag.

I Hope you enjoyed SILVER - THE SECRET WEAPON - Please Upvote



Great read, it just reinforces the countless reasons why silver is the most remarkable of all the metals. Cheers

Weapon? I don't think so - I see my stack as insurance, nothing more.

Insurance Weapon ;-)

Insurance against a corrupt Central Bank trying to rob your hard earned money of it's value?

One could put it that way, given that the central bank does steal from us regularly...the Fed's target is 2% a year, which is really taxation without representation, yes?

Well done my friend. Stack it high while its low.

Will do - just trying to get word out ;-)

Great post. Very interesting.

Thanks for writing such an insightful post. Kudos

Thank you, I really appreciate your reply.

Thank you.

Now, this secret weapon could help protect yourself in the future from the coming wealth transfer, or wealth destruction. So own it. See also the documentary of Mike Maloney about 'The hidden secrets of money' -

I will do - Just trying to get the word out..

Thanks for the great article. We need to get the word out.

we sure do be - Thank you

Nice article. For those of you stacking silver, are you buying junk silver or .999 mint ?

personally I buy Both - I really like Junk Silver though - its a good way to get big amounts for cheap.

The time will come when you either have Silver...or you don't.

You are not wrong - you know how people are kicking themselves for not getting in early with bitcoin, ethereum etc., it will be a million times worst with silver, because their will be some other cryptcurrency, there wont be an alternative to silver...

thanks, followed

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