Feel Free To Change Your Mind

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I remember once at College, when a teacher grabbed a piece of paper with a red dot right in the center and asked the class what we were seeing. In a consense, everybody answered "just a red dot". And then she asked us if we were sure. For minutes we tried to find another answer, but we couldn't do nothing, but stare straight to the red dot.

With a big smile in her face she asked "what about the huge white space. Can see that?". Off course, someone said. But why all the time we were just concentrated in the red dot?


Well, obviously it might have an scietific answer behind it, but once you relate this test to your life, you can see how we tend to do the same. Aren't we wasting time staring at problemas while we have gaps to be filled in with positive stuff?

Something I learned years ago reading about Neuro-linguistic programming, is how we waste so much energy just creating obstacles to solutions, or simply resistence to a postive life, when we should be doing the oposite.


But why can't we just be positive straight away? Because we've been building our thoughts and signs our whole life till this moment, but luckely this can be changed simply by deconstructing them.

"I am not pessimist, just realist". Well, like Albert Eisten said "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one". There's no such thing as reality, but a sequence of different concepts and rules we addopt as real. This way, we are able to change it whenever we want.

Before moving to Holland I always thought living abroad was an exclusive privilege to fortunate people, but after moving in, I think it is possible to everyone. Reality took a new form.

Possibilities, action, sucess and happiness are products of perspective, and it's up to you to choose how you see them.


Today I'd like to share these thoughts and invite you to reflect and watch your thoughts. Are you colaborating or just being a rock in your path? Is it really someone else's fault, or you are also guilty for not getting what you want? Don't tell yourself things you wouldn't like to hear from someone else. Cheer you up as if you didn't have problems. When you change the way you see life, life will change your ways too and which road are you willing to take? the good or hard one?

Thanks for reading,



This really got at me

With a big smile in her face she asked "what about the huge white space. Can see that?". Off course, someone said. But why all the time we were just concentrated in the red dot?

I likened it to seeing a cup half full or half empty. The way we look at issues definitely influence our reactions to it.

Thanks for this

Yes, just like that metaphor. My grandma used to say something I will never forget. Whenever it was raining for days, I'd complaint how horrible the weather was, but she would say "be happy, it helps growing your food". Same object, different ways to see it. Thank you for stopping by!

Exactly. Thank you

I just saw it and what a honour! Thank you so much, really much appreciated!

The tendency is to only see the obstacles in our way. Only when we see past them, can we continue on our journey. Some people like to put obstacles everywhere because then they have an excuse not to experience things that may be out of their comfort zones.

Wise words as always. I totally agree, also understand this feeling because it's still there, but once you cross that line, it's really hard to be satisfied with your old self. Thank you!

Very motivational... Until we change our stance from which we see things that we find our breakthrough
Good article.

Yes! In order to change our life we need to change our minds. Thank you!

The right mindset is important if one wants to achieve. I've heard a saying before stating that: "Thoughts become things...."

And they do! That's another reason why we should be careful with our thoughts. Thank you for your comment!

So true, I agree with you.
Thank you for replying :)

Wow! Great post and awesome reminder- Im sure it's been an evaolutionary asset for human beings to be obsessed over problems to be solved, things to be improved, but it might not be the best recipe for happiness.

As someone always looking to remove stress from my life, shifting perspective is one of the best ways to do that- thanks girl! <3

You are right, I think it was indeed! and also believe somehow we are waking up from this primitive obsession. Hopefully we will be more aware of our power and capacity to be great and to be happy!
Thank you for always being here! 💖

You're right- Time to EVOLVE! haha whenever my mom gives me a compliment about doing the right thing or about my character she says "You're so evolved" that always makes me smile lol


Quite some teacher. You don’t come across many of those :-)
I completely agree with what you’re saying. Most people (including me) are so focused on the negative things in life, that we often forget the positive things.

Life is very simply, but somehow most people’s mind is trained to make it complicated. If you’re experiencing life as a rocky road, the rock is mostly just you.

People are dealing with things from the past, or things they might have to deal with in the future, instead of living in the moment.

Why overcomplicate things by overthinking them? Overthinking things has never saved me from making mistakes. Life is trial and error, but the more you focus on the errors, the more errors you will experience.

The solution is to let go (I’m not entirely sure this is the correct translation of what I mean), to not cling on to things you can not change.

I can hear myself saying it all the time: “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist” - lol. Which is not a lie, because I have a tendency to focus on the negative things in life.
Why? I don’t know. Probably because I was brought up that way. I have litterally been brainwashed during the first 18 years of my life.
When I was about 20 years old, I realised that I was more than just the result of the way I was brought up. That I was responsible for making my own choices. I’m completely aware of everything you’re saying, and during the 20 years that have passed since I was 20, I have been trying to reprogram myself, but every day is still a struggle.
It’s one thing to be aware of the fact that you’re your own rock in the road, but it sure ain’t easy to flip the switch. I know the change is only a choice away, but for some reason I’m still not able to actually make that choice.

Oh boy, explaining this in English is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I hope that what I’m trying to say makes a little sense. If not, plz forgive me: my tendency to overthink everything is probably overcomplicating it again ;-D

One of my favorite quotes is one from Shantideva: “If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?”
So true, but haven’t found a way to put it into practise.

Anyway, thanks for your post. I don’t believe in coincidence. I was scrolling a tag stream I never check out, and I don’t know what made me open your post, but I did. Apparently I needed to be reminded of this, maybe to take another step in the right direction...

We are all brainwashed, dear. We got the same quest and then we are thrown out there to figure the way out. But the fact you are aware of it makes total difference.
Once we know we are trivializing negativity and doing nothing about, we get more distant from what we truly are and also from our happiness. It's a waste of time. But it's never to late to change it!
I keep telling this myself too, Bianca, either you can or not solve this problem, you have no reason to cry over it.
I also don't believe in coincidence, so knowing that made my day, thank you so much for having the trouble to read and comment. Keep trying! I love this Lao-Tzu saying, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
I don't know if you already do it, but try meditation, it has helped me wonders. Also, Louise Hay books are super badass. All the best!

Thanks. I’ll check them out

An impressive story. You are a cheerful person ..

I like it. It's a nice way to see the world.
Personally I enjoy complaining about stuff but to be fair that is practically our culture here. Positivity is not a welcome trait in people. As the old saying goes,
"He's not happy unless he has something to complain about."

That made me giggle haha
I used to complain a lot too, it's getting better now. There's still hope!

I LOVE your post! Damn girl! You can write!!! And what a great way of thinking! I LOVE IT! 👍😘

Many many thanks, it's really nice to know you like the same subject! 💖

Bi, I absolutely love this and agree 100%. These past few years I’ve been on a road of getting more conscious of who I am and what I think. Most of all I try to remind me that I am not what I think, I am not my thoughts, but I am way beyond that. And also, it is better to be happy than to be right. My mom sent me this today, your text reminded me of it: 61F1CE4E-406B-4DD7-98BC-980EA0F16BDF.jpeg

That's so true, we think we know ourselves so we act and live in our limitations, but we are beyond thoughts and that's what everyone should know. Love this picture, saving it here. Thanks Ma! 💖