Leave Your Comfort Zone for Freedom!!
It is your choice to make what you want our of life, it just comes down to your decisions. Would you like to reach for the stars or remain trapped in the endless loop of a dull meaningless life?
Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone and strike for success? Life is a constant progression and evolution of everything you do on a daily basis. You are either moving forward, stagnate or quite possibly moving backwards. We are meant to move forward because that is really the only way to survive, to strive!!
Nothing is holding you back except yourself. By setting goals today, taking actions to accomplish your passions and chase your dreams, this is how you will live your life to the fullest, while showing others the way to be brave!

The most common reason why most people do not leave there comfort zone is the fears they have inside of them. Creating false realities of what may happen, how we will be judged, and just worrying of the outcomes.
How is this a life to live? To seclude yourself from the world because of what may happen. You are here living so you were giving the chance to take risks, to be brave, to live a complete full life. Why else where YOU giving the chance to live here in this life?
I find it interesting when people have a second chance at life where they almost have died and when they get back on there feet they don't take anything for granted. They do not let fear dictate there life because they know how fragile life is and how easily it can be taken away from us. Yes we should be careful and make sure we live long life but is it even worth living if we are hiding in fear all the time?
When fear is causing you to make decisions in your life, you are not making your own choices. Fear is controlling your life, you are not even living a life you want, even if you believe you are. You must demolish the emotion of fear anytime it comes up by heading straight into what causing you to scurry away.
This will liberate you to a life of FREEDOM!!
My recent trip to Guatemala
Fear itself is what should be feared. It's very dangerous than any other thing
Exactly what I always say because then fear is living your life, making your choices, you are not really living a life at all....
Great post @bitdollar as always. I love posts about fear as fear is one of the only emotions that can completely paralyze you mind/body/spirit. I am certified in Energy Healing and at times when people call me in to help their love ones surrender in a peaceful way, about 80 % of the time people that are dying share about regrets of all the things they did not do and all the things they did not say. They always say if they could do it all over again they would do it so very differently.

Ahh yes! A mentor I follow talks about regrets all the time and why you should do everything with no fear because of that! It does paralyze you completely. Over the years of trying to face all fears, it completely has changed my life. It paralyzes you in the simplest most ridiculous ways. We got one life to live and must live it to the fullest!!! Thanks as always @donnab!
Your welcome my dear.
we must leave our comfort for freedom... cz in this world we can't get anything easily... if you want anything you have to work hard for that...have to forget about the pain...
Fear is usually out response when we don’t have a plan. So setting goals is a good way to combat fear. Nice ideas here.
That is true, when we don't have clarity, fear is easier to take over. Thanks for that @coldsteem!
Absolutely @bitdollar, I am living proof of that :) nothing changed until I started taking 1 step at a time out of my comfort zone. And my being in Steemit is a demonstration of one such step - I would have remained a hermit instead. Thanks for the exhortation, you stay blessed!
That is so awesome! This are the stories people need to hear to change the way they conduct there lives! Have a great day @postnshalom!
Many thanks @bitdollar
It's so worth it! We quit our jobs to do what we love (traveling and homesteading) and couldn't imagine going back. If we knew then what we know now, we never would have waited so long. There was just this fear of not having everything we wanted, but you learn quick that it isn't money that gets you what you want!
That is so true! Once we make the changes we realize the other perspective and wonder why we didn't do it in the first place! Top notch post @qberry!
There is nothing to fear, but fear itself - scarecrow
Perfect! :)
Leaving your comfort zone is not easy because you don't know what is at the other side. If you leave you will get hurt, broken, disappointed but you will be a better person and a stronger person. I am speaking out of experience. It wasn't easy but I had to and I am still a working progress. I am far better than before
Yes it is a work in progress and we get better each time we face our fears. This liberates us to be stronger! Great points!
@bitdollar, yes! This platform is replete with opportunities for us to grow.
Tons of opportunities here. Connecting with people gives you that. Thanks @karencarrens!
Sometimes its hard to be not scared of success, but really we gotta crush that because its doing nothing good and just holds us back!
I gotta remember that pretty often haha.