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RE: SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

in #life7 years ago

Its really sad thing that she pee on national flag, you are right she surly brainwashed by someone and its may terrorist or their supporter who do brainwash of people. One thing is clear that she didn't have heart otherwise she not did this. It happened to here in india and they got strong punishment because its related to nation so she must deserve to punishment. I don't care how much money she made from view or how many people have seen it but its really wrong thing


Got 100% upvote from me, bro!

You sound brainwashed man?

Yeah may be someone brainwash her by telling negative things in her mind and ask them to do that kind of thing because its really weird thing and its look shame on her that she not giving respect to her own country. There are so many people who doing brainwash of people who easily believe them and transfer negativeness in thr

You sound like you went to public school?

Shame on her????

I solute her for peeing on that piece of shit US Flag!

You sound like you never went to school?

Why do you follow Jeff government troll?

i dont care if some girl peed on the flag. shes just trolling, and so is berwick.

but reading these comments, you're a straight up sycophant.

Would you not say a Tyrant is someone who kills another just because he is told to? that's a soldier/vet

You say I was a GreenBeret in a previous life = WAR MONGER!

you think you have a voice here??

ANYONE THAT WOULD SAY "Unconventional Warfare is one of my happy places" IS THE SYCOPHANT!


Hope to meet you some day to give your head a shake. :)

Typing in large font in no discernible pattern and/or in all caps does not make you seem more intelligent.

A tyrant is defined as : noun

  1. a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
  2. any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.

I do not like anyone who could be described with either of those descriptions.

As far as "do I have a voice here, I most certainly do and you seem like the type of person who would love to have me silenced.

  1. You don't fucking know me, nor do you know my past, present, beliefs or opinions. Don't presume to know who someone is just because you THINK you know what a "Green Beret" is or is not.
  2. Unconventional Warfare is my "happy place" because I understand it quite well and see it playing out all around me. I'd rather know whats going on than be oblivious to it. You
  3. Your attitude is abhorrent. Do you really presume to speak from some sort of moral authority on anything?

If you want to take this debate to a video hangout, I'm game. We can even post it up on Steemit and share the rewards. I somehow doubt you'll be able to avoid devolving into ad hominem attacks, however.

Final Note: sycophant is defined as a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite. I called you that particularly because you're in EVERY post I've seen from Berwick behaving exactly like a sycophant.

Do you have a good explanation of how I'm a 'servile flatterer, fawning parasite' to a field of study, such as the art of unconventional warfare?