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RE: Forced Vaccinations.....

in #life7 years ago

That's horrible. No one is forcing me or my child to get vaccinated. I am allergic to the ingredients found within vaccines and chances are, my future children will also get severely ill from vaccines. We don'T know what else they put in it, they do not let us see all the ingredients. Freedom to choose means freedom to choose what we inject in our bodies and a baby and child under our care, we choose for them to our best judgement based on our bodies because they have our DNA and genes. This is appalling news!!


It's good to hear your perspective on this if you look at the article i linked in "safety of vaccines" there is a severe case of a young girl reacting badly to a vaccine that big pharma took responsibility for and ended up paying compensation to the family. Thanks for commenting @binkyprod 👍

I agree that there are many cogent reasons like allergies, or weakened immune systems, or even renal failure that may prevent a person from getting innoculized. But no one is forcing those falling under medical exceptions.