create self-worth or build more value of yourself
Self-worth or self-values comes from inside and with practice can be cultivated. Some habits to be followed to achieve but you can’t but by money or by having more friends or big house i.e. this is not the external factor.
Some factor or habits are:
- As self-worth is comes within so set goal short term and long term which is measurable and stick to the goals.
- Every night before sleeping write down something that feels proud and happy which happens in the whole day which feels sense of accomplishments every day.
- Say no, yes you read right say no. learn to say no without offending the person asking.
- Everything you do , do with full attention and with confidence and pride.
- For outside look, every time dress should be based on occasions such as for party is different and office is different.
- Walk with confidence.
- Work on your strengths as it boosts you confidence.
- Reward your successes.
- Do something for self every day (means for happiness ).
- Face you fears. It means that whatever your fears you have to overcome from that it may be emotional or physical.
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