Learning sign language - Dutch Sign Language Challenge

in #life7 years ago

I have been willing to learn sign language for quite a while now. My son having difficulties understanding and producing language, has made for an added incentive. Time has always been an issue though, and it so happened that I never got to it. When my son started in school a little over a year ago, I was offered a course to learn sign language (a special variant for pre-school kids), but that would mean several evenings a week of attending lessons. Time and energy I just did not have at the time.

Although my son refuses to use sign language at home, he uses it a lot at school. The teachers there also use sign language in addition to spoken words, to make it more easy for the kids to understand what they're trying to say. At home, we do use a lot of pictorial signs to make it more clear as to what day it is and what we will be doing that day:



But last week, my sister pointed out a post on Facebook, about the so called "Nederlandse GebarenChallenge", created by Bianca van der Horst. You get a video (5-10min) each week, for one year, covering 10 signs a week. It's pretty easy to follow along and the signs you learn are relevant to the time of year. This week, I learned:

  • good morning
  • good evening
  • coffee
  • thee
  • hot
  • cold
  • winter
  • freezing
  • ice skating
  • hot chocolate


If you're Dutch speaking and interested, be sure to check it out. You can enroll until March 1st.

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Wat een gaaf idee , wat goed dat ze die cursus heeft ontwikkeld 10 gebaren is te doen en daar is altij de tijd voor ... ik heb het op school gehad omdat wij in de klas ook een meisje hadden die slechthorend was en het voor ons makkelijk maar ook interessant was on te leren. Succes en ik ben benieuwd naar de eerste lessen. Heb even naar Bianca gekeken maar ze is echt overtuigend en duidelijk jammer dat er zo weinig aandacht voor is !

Ja zeker jammer. Ik hoop dat ze er komende jaren nog mee door gaat, zodat nog meer mensen er mee in aanraking komen. Misschien wel op Steem! :)

Ja dat is een goed idee in de vorm van een challange iedere dag een teken en zondags alle 7 tekens. Ik ben er voor in het is erg byzonder misschien dat mensen dan ook slechthorende mensen ( die praten met een aantal tekens en vooral met hun handen om zich begrijpelijk te maken ) beter te willen begrijpen!
Fijne zondag

How amazing is that! It's clear he chooses to speak verbal language with you guys, but I believe this is important for you to know in case he decides switching languages. The same goes to families who speak two verbal languages, I think.
Well done and great iniatiave!

Thanks! I think it also helps to clarify verbal language, so it might benefit him nonetheless.

I learned sign language back in high school (taught during lunch hour). Unfortunately, since I never had a chance to use it, I’ve forgotten everything.

I hope it will stick, but yes, the only way is to use it regularly (as with any language I guess)

Is this the same language that deaf people use?

Yes, although I think there are some different variants.