Space is a living organism?

in #life8 years ago

From the similarity of the principle must be recognized that makrochelovek not only in the macrocosm. There must be other makrolyudi [other universes], who have their own lives. Also, it follows that the earth electrons [these planets microcosm] must exist mikrolyudi smaller than N times about the people of this world level, and they also have a life similar to ours.

From all this it turns out that astronomers, biologists and physicists are engaged, in essence, one thing. They study the structure of the world on the same objects, only a different scale. The astronomer who studies the supercluster of galaxies through a telescope, doing the same thing that a biologist who studies under the microscope a living cell. Physicists studying the structure of atoms, does the same thing as an astronomer who studies the structure of the solar system.

Grandiose cosmic processes, including processes for the birth of new and destruction of the Old World, the functioning of pulsars and quasars - all the normal processes of life, in particular, substances and energy metabolism in the cells of a living cosmic organism. By the way, about the cosmos as a living organism, three centuries ago, said Gottfried Leibniz - the famous mathematician and philosopher.

Life expectancy of the earthly man meets insignificant MIGU time they live in the star system. One hundred years of life on earth corresponds to a small fraction of femtoseconds [femto - 10 to the minus 15 degree] of universal time. That is why the stars in the sky seem to us unchanged. But the brevity of human life does not interfere with the knowledge of the processes occurring in the universe. After all, this can be done according to the observations of its different sections.

Like a time machine, these different sites show different phases of the development of the components of a living organism of the universe. According to the analysis of this information, you can get an idea of ​​the dynamics of these processes. Biologists could study his subject, looking not at the stage in a microscope and looking at the sky through a telescope. It is possible that the creation of new and destruction of old stars, galaxies absorption of some other galaxies, biologists do not recognize the cosmic catastrophe, but a completely normal processes of life in the body makrocheloveka in particular metabolism.

Once makrochelovek - that is our universe - was conceived. The very rapid change in the size of a human embryo at the beginning of its development - 50 times in 30 days - like the idea of ​​the Big Bang astrophysicists. But unlike uncontrolled, random hypothetical process, the actual development of the embryo takes place in a completely definite plan. And while none of the living body is not the destruction of matter in black holes, and they do not have any points of the singularity of the Big Bang with an infinite density of matter.

It turns out that in the world there is no place Hermes black holes or the Big Bang, and has planned the construction of the existing material. Incidentally, the famous British scientist Stephen Hawking, the main developer of the black holes of the hypothesis, recently acknowledged that his work in this direction is the biggest mistake of his life. Probably the developers and the purely theoretical hypothesis of the Big Bang will soon follow the example of Hawking. However, the hypothesis of the founders - Albert Einstein and Alexander Friedman difficult to wait for this, but by their modern followers to hear such recognition is possible in principle.

Interestingly, the Hubble law, claiming that the farther away from the observer is the star, the greater the rate of its removal at any location of the observer, is perfectly applicable to living organisms. In vivo parameters of the relative motion of the atoms [the stars at the micro level] are determined by the sum of the growth parameters of all elements of the body located in the line of sight of the observer, regardless of location. That's how the dough is suitable, it is because all plants grow, animals and humans.

Here's a wonderful world it turns out, if you just follow Hermes Trismegistus. Some might say that all this is speculative arguments and why they seem to be a fantastic tale that does not have any experimental base. But this is not the case. In fact, there is some justification for the confirmation of the validity of the world order according to Hermes Trismegistus:

  • In the last century, astronomers made the discovery - superclusters of galaxies form a cellular structure. The universe as a person and as any living organism that is really built of cells, about the size of N times larger than in humans.

  • Recently, with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered a star system consisting of two chains, twisted like a DNA molecule. This system has a length of 80 light-years, which is approximately N times longer than the length of human DNA.

  • For a variety of data processing techniques, astronomers give an estimate of the size of our universe in the range of 10-80 billion light years. Rank in the world of Hermes [21 billion light-years] this is consistent.

  • A few years ago, astronomers discovered that the outside of the 19 billion light-years Hubble's law is greatly disturbed that demonstrate the most distant galaxies [UDFj-39546284 and UDFy-38135539]. This confirms that they really are outside of our universe.

  • The space probe WMAP allowed to build in the galactic coordinate system, map of radiation levels of different parts of the universe. It turned out that on the celestial sphere there are a couple of areas with high radiation, and the couple - with reduced. Increased radiation suggests that in these areas the number of stars more reduced and - that in these directions star less. These axes are unfolded from each other.

Since the average density of stars in different regions of the universe is constant, it turns out that the universe is not spherical, which it would be in the case of the Big Bang, and extended along the axis of the hot and cold compression. This configuration of the universe really is like a human shape, elongated along the axis of the head and legs and compressed laterally.

Skeptics can always say that the statement of the grounds a little. But it should be noted here that the rapid development in our time, space and computer technology certainly allow in the near future to obtain additional basis for confirmation of the validity of the world order by Hermes Trismegistus.