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RE: The Language of Animals for bchick🐓

in #life8 years ago

Oh my. Thank you so much. This is so much more than I could have asked for or imagined.
Beautifully written. Your love shines through with every word.

I think I am now one of your pets if you will allow it.

We will have to plan a virtual Hen partay and they can speak chickinese and you can interpret for me, Okay?


Thank-you bchick! You are very welcome and so glad you liked my little story. There is always room for one more here at the "animal house."😉 I plan on doing a chickinese dictionary in the near future. I am certain you probably have heard your share of that lingo🐓

More and more, as Lee is teaching me. Her clucks and squawks, and what do you call that noise when they settle down to lay an egg?
Yesterday a groundhog somehow got into her run and she made a nervous pacing noise as it stood in the corner.
Or the sound she makes when she sees me coming and runs into the house to the nesting box that I lift to give her treats. Since it has never been used for its intended purpose I lift the top to talk to her and be close to her where we can meet face to face.
Oh yes, that could be a big thick book! Well, virtually speaking it could have lots of entries!

Oh dear bchick, I didn't even think about us going back and forth on siricocks comments. My bad. 🐓

I don't think I have noticed it before, people using the comments section for other conversations, but I bet this is why people use the IM things like have conversations.