It is the best stage of a woman's life, when she feeds on a natural body with her breasts, it is the best way to provide the necessary nutrients so that the baby can survive the first months and can grow and develop healthily.

This must be the only food of the baby during the first 6 months of life, no need to introduce water because breast milk keeps them hydrated because its content is 80% enough water to satisfy the baby, breast milk suffers from different modifications according to the needs of the baby, for example if a baby gets sick with the flu the same mother has in her breasts the best remedy to cure it, that is, the baby's bed is the best cure that exists.
Many moms say that their milk does not fill them because they cry a lot, they feel that they are hungry, and I must tell them that it is not like that, their baby not only cries because of hunger, it can also be that she has sleep, lack of love, affection, attention , cold or hot, because they feel alone, remember that when they were inside the belly they were tight, warm and felt the heartbeat of mom, at birth they are in another world and everything is different, and that change It makes them cry. If it is difficult to understand them, but moms make an effort and have a lot of patience if you can.

If you feel your baby does not fill up, offer your breast again, remember that it should be at free demand, forget the clock to count the hours they eat and how long it is in each breast, the first 3 months your baby and you are Knowing and he is learning to eat from his tetica that is why they last a long time in eating.
My greatest advice is, PATIENCE give a lot of LOVE, and deaf to what people say.
Concentrate on your baby and you.