The Ripple of Influence

Influence is the invincible power that shapes behaviour-Jonah Berger
Life is too short. None of us have a clear answer to how soon or later it's all going to end. This is no news to most of us. In fact it has almost become a cliché to most of us. However in spite of the fact that most of us already know this to be true, we still choose to live our lives as though we have forever to live life; taking unworthy risks, settling for reckless decisions, and sticking around unproductive people way too long. We have to keep our minds healthy by ridding of all negative influences not just for ourselves, but for the sake of those who are coming after us.
We are a sum total of all the lessons we've learnt from everyone we came across in our walk through life
Our lives are defined by a few things; the company we keep; the experiences we had and our hope in the future. It's true and rational when I tell you that nothing influences our lives more than the people in our lives! And I say that with deep conviction that it's true.
Let me go archaic. All I'm saying is the company you keep plays the most roles in your character formation. The sum total of all the means we got to learn from none is as powerful as the people in our lives. We are a product of the company we keep.
The people who you allow play vital roles in influencing who you become will not be there reap the fruit of those actions at the same capacity as you. Whatever your life becomes will either be your pride or shame! I used to have friends six-seven years ago who never left my side; we all had fun and influence on one another. Some of the consequences of the actions i took as a result of those relationships still tell on me today. Yet most of those guys are gone…
.. and I haven’t even seen them for years now. What I'm I saying is that no one is worth sacrificing your future for. You owe no negative influencer an apology for cutting them from off your life. The size of your life will never contradict the size of your company my friend. So, let no one who wouldn't be there to reap the consequences of your actions and decisions make them for you. You've got to be in charge of your life. Let no invincible hand control you.

Protect your life at all cost. The cost could mean an addiction, could mean friends or even family. Now ask your self-taking a glance at the beautiful picture you already painted of your future, is it even worth giving up family or friends for? My friend it is. Don’t expect anyone to understand why you had to do that, but when the time comes they'll all do.
YOUR LIFE IS WAY BIGGER THAN YOU. THE INFLUENCE YOU CAUSE WILL OUTLIVE YOU! You will become an influence also. And your influence on the world will only be as good as who you are. In other words, you cannot be a better influence than that which influences you. The world is watching. It doesn't matter where you end up in life someone would watch and learn from you. The quality of the lessons they learn from you will only be as good as who you are. What would you rather teach your world? What legacy would you rather leave the coming generation? What kind of INFLUENCE would you rather be?
Always remember this friends!
Influence is the invincible power that shapes behaviour-Jonah Berger