Why You Are Destined To FAIL..

in #life7 years ago


Do you have big dreams of owning a million dollar mansion, driving those Lamborghinis and flexin' the Rollies? It's time for a reality check, my friend. I don't want to be a dick, I'm just here to kick your ass so that life doesn't have to waste its energy.

Most of you are wantrepreneurs.. ADMIT IT! Face yourself in the mirror, and truly ask that motherfucker up there whether he/she is hungry enough. Do you OBSESS over success, fame, money, whatever it is that's driving you everyday.. or are you half-assing it? When you wake up, what's the first thing that's on your mind?

Now here's where the real lesson begins. Okay, so most likely you're motivated already.. funny that, eh?

EVERYONE can find motivation somewhere. Screw that! There's a difference between those at the top and those who are coping, jealous, envious and angered by others success. Do you want to know what it is? WILLPOWER

You need the right blend of motivation, willpower, persistence and balls to take on the world all by yourself. There will be moments where there's nowhere to turn to, nobody to ask for help.. not your girlfriend/boyfriend, not your family, not your friends, NOBODY. What will you do then? Will you knaw into the belly of the beast, or will you run?

Even if you are one of the lucky ones to succeed, what is the definition of your success? Would you be happy with $1,000,000 in your bank account? I sure as hell wouldn't. Fuck that.

You have to aim higher, dream bigger. You wanna hear a funny story? My business teacher told me she couldn't bare to watch "MTV Cribs" because it was too painful. She knew she would never become as wealthy as those displaying it all on there. And you know what? She was 100% right. With that mindset of hers, she'd forever be held back.. unless she changed.

Most people are too afraid of risk, they don't accept change.. no, no, no! They RUN from it!

I think our biggest enemy is our mind. Our ego is yapping up in there, telling us to stay away from certain golden opportunities and constantly stressing us out over the minor details. But even more so than that, it's low vibration thinking that is destroying most people. What would you do if you saw a rich man in a broken down Bugatti? Would you stop and help him, or would you drive on by and laugh at his misfortune?

Do you think the rich don't have problems? Maybe they're magical beings exempt from the hardships of life!

Those with more money than the average folk are no different really than they are. It's all about a shift in the way you think. Stop with your envy, with the petty thoughts and arguments against those who have it not much better than you. Life was difficult from the start, it was unfair since forever.. and the odds of you being alive? Goddamn it you son of a bitch, don't compare yourself to others. But if you are going to anyways, then just realize you should be grateful. You probably have more going for you than 90% of others living here. Ain't that something?

Now go build your empires. Enough reading. Get going, create.


Fun Fact: I have morons viewing my videos sometimes, unfortunately they have access to keyboards
^ Basically I have updated links to newer videos with step by step instructions in the description, comments and in-video ads for cards & endscreen.. SMH



Hell yeah! Some fools need a reality check/wake-up call...

Dopeeee :) thanks for the whale vote, here's 100%. You're the first person to generously donate in such a way haha

This post received a 1.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @theywillkillyou! For more information, click here!

You might have caused most to reflect here and that in a sense could be a good thing in a non philosophical 'School of hard knocks' type way. You might even actually achieve what your telling others they will not. If you do I tip my hat to you. However you want to achieve it far to bad. You probably do not realize it and you actually might even be against it as part of your core belief system. It shows in this post and lights up like a neon light. Thats where you need to focus that will power of yours and focus your energy. The energy that you harness and gain your strength from by writing this very well explained post is actually weakening your will power not strengthening it.

This is where realists make their most costly errors. I want you to think about this because there is an extremely slight chance that you can correct this now. You have not been there yet, if you had you would not of written this post or any post for that matter. Your not here because you just escaped MENSA and your bored. Your here because you have an unusually strong amount of will power and discipline combined with an IQ that is equally impressive. But you leave out the most important part. The rise to the top is what you miss and is what its all about. You have to get there and experience it and 99.99% have to loose it in order to realize the true reality and facts behind it. Its lonely at the top.

I am willing to accept that loneliness and live with it should I ever come that close again and so will you. The rise to the top is where the thrill. The hunt is far better than the kill. Don't forget to enjoy yourself while getting there. Telling people that they will not get there will not be part of your good memories when you get there. However telling people the truth which is that maybe one of the commenters and up voters here has a 0.01% chance to get there. Tell them the truth which is that 0.01% chance could be anyone of us. Most of all remind us that we must not forget to have fun in the process so that we remember it in a positive way. Do not mistake enjoyment and fun to letting our guard down or taking away from our steadfast discipline and willpower. We can never loose our bearing.

I would suggest that everyone including you go to a tooling company and purchase a golf ball sized actual bearing and keep it with you always. Some of us might need a large heavy one if we are struggling. The gifted among us will not need to purchase a bearing because that bearing they create with their mind and they never loose it. The truly blessed ones will actually be able to enjoy their rise to the top. I hope you look me up if you make it there and same goes to everyone reading this. I really hope you can tell me you enjoyed it. Thanks for your reality check and thank you everyone that believes in themselves here.

"The Problems of the World cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics who's horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need those who can dream of things that never were” JFK

I enjoyed your post, the journey to the top is one of the loneliest roads you could ever set upon. I go out and speak with as many beautiful women as I can only to realize that it won't solve my loneliness. I try to make friends or chat with family however few will understand. The only people recently I've . been able to communicate with are fellow entrepreneurs who either are currently struggling or have been through it enough to know what's up.

Imagine the global change that could happen if people realize that to be successful only requires a change of belief, a change of thinking. Knowing that success can happen to any that believes in his/her power.

You choose absolutely interesting topic and like it keep it up........

Cheers mate

I agree. The dream is the fuel to run the honda civic that will bring you your lambo.

The Civic eats Aventadors for breakfast!

LOL. That's because so many Lambos are financed or leased and there's no money left for gas.

Honestly people are stupid. 8/10 Americans are in debt? Jesus. I'm never financing my cars or houses. Gotta pay it all in cash ;) no stress

Absolutely my friend!

Hey there! Check out my post! I mentioned this thread of ours... lol. https://steemit.com/money/@karencarrens/honda-civic-vs-lambo-aventador

I like what you say.

avi I want to meet you when we're older and millionaires off crypto

Thank you for viewing @snorlex20 I hope you're enjoying Steemit!

Awesome post and a great kick in the ass. I will go lie down on the couch and think about it for a little while :)