To Reach The Destination You Need To Enjoy The Path

in #life7 years ago


Hello steemians :)

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” - Maya Angelou

Today when i was searching on internet and went through this quote it brought manythings into my mind. We always wants to do big always wants to achieve more but do we follow our passion ? do we do what we love ? or what our parents tells us to do what they want us to be. I have seen many people when they fail they all say the same sentence that success is reserved for only some people success is all about luck people who are meant to be successful they will doesn't matter if they try or not. We always see how successful a person is but have we ever read his story ?

the hardships he has been through ?
the tough times he has faced ?
the upsets in life ?

No we dont bother to read it what we focus on is how much they have how they are living their life but not the reasons behind their success not the hard work they had done in order to get their where they are . You can always do great things if you follow your passion because that's thing you are more interested in and you would always enjoy in doing it .

Don't lie to yourself their are many talented people spending their lives serving dreams they inherited from parents, friends, or Hollywood. A test to consider is to follow your fear. If you’re running from a calling because it scares you, imagine what life could be like if you gave it a try, trusting the right doors to be opened. As Victor Hugo reportedly ​said​, ​"Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come."

Too many people are waiting for a big break. For someone to knock on their door and whisk them to a publisher’s office, a movie set, a conference stage, or Silicon Valley.

Perhaps the most driving trait of highly successful people is ownership. The belief that at some level, you are responsible for your goals and your outcomes.

I’m not promoting the myth of the self-made man. At crucial points in the journey of every successful person, the right mentors and sidekicks show up to encourage, challenge, guide, and assist. As a person of faith, I take this a step further, looking to God for guidance and strength in pursuit of my goals.

But if you feel trapped by the burden of unmet potential, I would encourage you to stop waiting to be rescued and start planning your escape. Don’t wait for support. Seek it. Don’t wish for more talent. Cultivate it. Don’t hope for a lucky break. Prepare to capitalize on the breaks each of us receive.

If you want to own the results, you have to own the process.

If it’s meant to happen, make it happen.

If you like it please upvote , resteem and follow me on @atifshah


Hi welcome to steemit, nice to have you

Thank you :)

i read all ov your post its very motivational.looking forward to future content..All the best