Hatred the Ultimate Destroyer of this WorldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)


the Ultimate Destroyer of this World


Evolution the process of growth over time, cannot be measured by science. The physical being of one person or an entire race. In some cultures, it is believed that humans evolved from a lower life form, such as the apes. While other cultures, prefer a more Adam and Eve evolution to our growth. But, evolution cannot be measured in our physical self rather, in our spiritual growth over centuries of time. For centuries, we have evolved into spiritual beings with a multitude of emotions ranging from love, happiness, sadness, hurt, angry, hatred, loneliness, afraid, scared, and an assortment of other words that represent how one spiritual being feels in that moment in time. Although, our human side may evolve, grow smarter, wiser, more attune with our spiritual being, and more aware of things around us we still lack the primal need to accept our emotions and forgive those around us. It is our inability to move past our worst emotion “anger or hatred” that suspends us in time, pausing our growth to a new level of spiritual being.

Today, hatred and anger surround us all, it is in us all. The darkness, the fear, too much pride, hatred towards another being, anger towards someone who did you wrong. It consumes us on a daily basis. Think about this...... When someone did something to hurt you, did you want to do something to hurt them too? What if someone said something mean, did you feel the need to say some meaner? It is a vicious cycle, someone does something bad to us we want revenge, someone hurts us we want vengeance, someone did something we could never forgive we want to get even. A dark cycle that plays out over and over again. But, why does this cycle never end? To be honest, it only ends when you choose to stop playing villain, when you decide to be the hero of yourself and when you decide to own your emotions allowing them time to process but, time to move past that emotion.

The truth is the vicious cycle of hatred and anger stops when you decide to no longer teach another person to be hateful and angry at the world and those living in it.

Look around you, right now!

Look at the world we are living in, it is a world filled with hate crimes, suicide bombers, attacks on countries and religious groups, all out of hatred towards another living being.

It is not a religious group or a country that makes a person full of darkness rather, those who influence their upbringing that shape their hatred of others.

Even the person filled with the most darkness can find the light if they are willing to be their own hero to their story.

Everyday you are given a chance to step into the light away from the darkness that wants to consume you as if you were its snack. Each time, you have the choice to choose light verses darkness. It is you and you alone who chooses what will happen in the moments to come. No one can control you or what you are about to do except for you. If you allow the darkness such as anger and hatred to linger you are stopping your own spiritual evolution from growth, literally freezing it in time. Because no one person can grow if they continue to hold on to anger and hatred towards another being.

Let me ask you this and think hard before you answer.....

What if the person you were pissed at died tomorrow and you could never forgive them?

You would then have to live with not only the anger you had towards that person but, now the anger you have towards yourself because you did not cease the day “carpe diam” and offer forgiveness while that person was here in physical form. To fully offer forgiveness you have to accept what the person has done, forgive yourself in the process so, you can forgive the person who has done you wrong. It will not be easy but, it will be worth it.

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Remember the next time someone says something mean to you or someone does something hurtful to you, you are in control of what you do next. Your actions not only shape the person who you are but, those around you. You teach those around you what type of person to be. Even if you do not realize it, your influence reaches further than you could imagine. The only way to stop the hatred is to influence those around you to do great things in the name of the 'light' or goodness. Show kindness to the person who hurt you, lend a helping hand to the old lady struggling to get through the grocery store, offer to get your sick neighbors mail. Every one act of kindness can chance the course of the future for this world.

Will you help change the future of this World by being a force with the light?

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