How important is it to be educated?

in #life4 months ago

How important is education in our lives? To survive, we humans do many things, and education plays a significant role behind those actions. From childhood, we gradually grow through family education and later shape ourselves through institutional education. Beyond this, there are certain skills we cannot learn from society or educational institutions; we acquire them through self-development.


It is extremely important for a person to be educated in today’s world. A person can consider themselves educated and distinct from others only when they learn to respect people and treat them well. If we compare an uneducated person with an educated one, who do you think will have more knowledge and wisdom? You would certainly say the educated person possesses more intellect and understanding than the uneducated one.

So, why should we remain in ignorance instead of becoming educated? We must become educated because educated individuals are vital for us and society. To develop a nation and enhance its infrastructure and beauty, we must be educated. Education is absolutely essential.