Are you living or burying your dreams?

in #life7 years ago

Are you putting a limit to your expectations and what God would like to give you and do for you?


God is not limited by your estimations. God made the whole world and the `milky way’ the world sits in. You can tap into His power, the energy force that governs the whole universe and beyond. 

Are you sitting in a rut?

We are so used to our past and present circumstances that we don’t expect much more.  

We are a bit scared to go beyond those boundaries. We ask ourselves, how will we afford it and how will we cope, if it should happen?  

Then sub-consciously we make excuses why we accept our horrible situations. We think, rather the situation we know than the one we don’t know.  We would rather to stay comfortably as we are and where we are.  

That battle is only in your mind. 

First steps of breaking the mould:

Begin by changing your outlook on life.  

  1. Rejoice, embrace and cherish each day. Smile more.  Make a point of seeing beauty all around you. Not only the flowers and the sunrise, but the beauty within people! 
  2. Energize your personality. Talk with uplifting lint in your voice. Magnify your love for life by finding things to laugh about. Put out positive vibes.  
  3. Spruce up your existing accommodation. Throw out the useless unnecessary clutter. Rich people don’t have cluttered homes. Simplicity is beauty. Clean surroundings, makes for clear thinking. 
  4. Be outgoing and build empathy. Learn to understand situations and people, their needs and what they desire most. 


These things will make you feel much happier. Why? The fact is, we make and determine our own happiness. It’s up to us to make our own happiness and brighter future. 

Living like this, you’re more likely to draw people and business connections to you. 

Put you faith and trust in God:

This is a tough one. Asking God to take over can be scary. All our lives we’ve been trained to think that we must do and handle everything. To be lazy is slothful, etc, etc. 

Yes that is correct. We must do our part. But there are things we can’t do. That, God with all His great wisdom and power, can sort things out for us, if we let Him. 

Remember God sees the bigger picture. He sees us wherever we are, even if we are under the earth in a cave. Therefore He knows our circumstances, our abilities and our potential.  

God created and provided the whole earth for our benefit. So has good things in store for us. Things we can’t see as yet.  

Working team with God:

He can open `doors and windows’ (Malachi 3:10), opportunities and circumstances for us. He works miracles. All we have to do is answer His call, `take up our comfy bed and walk!’ (John 5: 8) 

To have a better life, we need to prompt it.

As the saying goes, “Take your spade and dig, to make things grow”! 

  1. Consider what you can do and then do it. Nothing happens unless we start somewhere. 
  2. Not only that, “Spin your wheels.” Practice often to improve your skills!  
  3. Be brave and reach further. Start doing things you haven’t been able to do before. Taking little steps towards your goals! 
  4. Learn from your mistakes. The little things you do achieve, will give you more confidence to achieve more and more, whatever it is. 

Passing shot: 

God made the bees. The bees made the honey. God made you and gave you talents. (Matthew 25:15-25) Are you doubling those talents, or just burying them?! 

So do you bury your dreams as hopeless? 


To sit in a rut is to be in a zone of comfort and to indulge in the illusion of safety. But I think that a person has only 2 ways or to develop or degrade. Sometimes, in order to feel the taste of life and make changes to it, you need to leave the comfort zone. For many, this is hard.
All this is due to a limited view of life.
"We are what we think of ourselves"
Therefore, you need to change your mind, do not be afraid of change and smile at change. A positive view very much changes any situation. I appreciate those people who in any situation find positive aspects and are not afraid of change.

God made the bees. The bees made the honey. God made you and gave you talents. (Matthew 25:15-25) Are you doubling those talents, or just burying them?!

Gold words. God gave people the talent and willpower to develop their talents. But many traded a chance to develop into an imaginary comfort in the comfort zone. The main thing is to realize this and get out of the rut.
Thank you for your motivating message.

You made re-think the wording of my blog. God may give us talents, but it's up to us to do something with those talents. Grow and improve on them. How we do that and how great we make them, depends on us.

Firstly ,God has plans for everyone and almost all are for the betterment of a person, but the point is ,are we really fit to accomplish our goals??our targets?? Yess,that matters the most, God helps us only and only if we really want our dreams to come true rather than burying cannot expect his/her dreams come true if he/she is not willing to achieve the target.. so enjoy the life and dream BIG.....sooner ir later you will get your things for sure.

Some things I've worked long and hard on them, and they never happened. Guess they weren't for me.
On other things I thought or wished I would love this or that, and then thought nothing more about it. And surprise, surprise, guess what... they happened or someone just landed up giving them to me... a day or week later!

All it takes to live your life to the fullest is courage – nothing more and nothing less. This sounds rather minimalist and easy to cope with – but a lack of courage is a key factor that prevents most people from living their lives to the fullest. These people aren’t necessarily cowards or scared-chicken – not at all – as they are simply being stuck with their quite comfortable everyday routines.
there are some dreams that you do not want to end
trust God irrespective of any situation

When I've been given difficult art commissions to do, I always took up the challenge with courage. And sometimes I wonder if I'm mad enough do it. And then I say to myself, why not, all that can happen is that it doesn't out, but from the experience I've learnt a lot from it. And most times things work out, because I planned my moves and considered everything from every angle. So why was I worried in the first place? Yes, I can say courage pays a big part, you're right.

Great and valuable post ma'am.
I completely agree with you.
I understand all the key points which you highlight in your post.
Great philosophy!!
I love your post ma'am. 😍😍😍😍
You are my great inspiration and I learn many new things from you.
So, thank you so much ma'am.

Thanks @artguru ma'am for sharing this post. ☺

Upvoted + resteemed your post. 🤗💙💜💙

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
I think dedication and the passion to achieve your dream, consistency are the keys to achieve anything, rest is upto the luck if it favours or not, but you should give your best and believe on the path you are walking and trust God.

We need to start by changing our outlook on life. We should always think positively about life.Clean thinking makes our lives very happy. Every word in this post is very realistic and best ..Well introducing main topic nicely. . Thank You so much for sharing a wonderful post Which makes our life so much inspiration. . @artguru

to be good in something you need to think broad in that field.think broad think positive work hard for what you want and you will nearly get what you want and Allah almight said i give those to my creature for what they work hard!

Are you living or burying your dreams?


i am slowly going mad mam

your thought skills really very perfect dear.a positive thought always a person giving alots of happiness in our life.we should always think positively.. a clean thought giving best outlook in our life..really best introducing tropic of inspiration..thank to sharing for your good post...very well done dear...friend..@artguru

In the world we have a self service sort of thing, everyone can go and take whatever they want. It's even more liked when they are able to impact alot of lives.
This is a nice article.
It's funny how always limit ourse due to self imposed beliefs we had since childhood. Break free of such limitations is when everyone starts to live.
Again thanks for this one, so inspiring.

I may write all these things, but I often wonder how much I'm still sitting in my comfort zone myself! I guess I win some and lose some! Some areas I'm willing to move on, and some areas I still hang onto! We know how and what to do, but do we do it?