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RE: Sharing Our Pain // It's Good To Be Back!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This is really a delight to read in terms of what message you share, and also a delight to know you're back and willing to continue sharing bits of your experience! :)

I'd say this year has been a tough time for quite a people - from what I've heard around and felt myself. I'd say I've gone through a lot, too, lately: with all that intensity & dynamics in school/career/personal life, but I'd never give up any of that. There have been some hurtful experiences and hard-to-grasp revelations about my life, as well as life itself, but they've all just expanded my understanding and acceptance of things. Like you said previously - just growing pains.

I can also sympathize with not wanting to share things, personally, I'm as much extrovert as I am introvert, and lately my spark for content creation has been overwhelmed by all which has passed, is still passing, and is to be processed. Sometimes guilt mixes in over not actively participating in this community, and that makes the loop of procrastination-remorse worse, but I'm sure I'll soon get back to creating and getting in touch with everyone. I also kind of want to get back to writing - it's always been one of my favourite expressions, the skill I so aspire to improve.

We all share dark journeys, we're never alone in that, and it's wonderful you've found solace in tuning in to others! And the best thing about darkness is that it makes light easier to find.

Sort: It's so great to hear from you Kate! You definitely popped into my mind as I was writing this. A subtle internal whisper of "I hope Kate sees this one" literally came to me lol. So naturally I was pleased to see and hear your strength and wisdom follow suite :)

but they've all just expanded my understanding and acceptance of things.

The concepts of understanding and acceptance have most definitely been a thing for me as well. Understanding is one of the hardest things sometimes merely from the fact that it takes time, experience, and so much patience to really "get it". Thankfully, once you get it, you don't forget it! Acceptance is that other one that can make you cringe BUT ultimately is the mothership of love and IMO, what humanity strives for.

I also kind of want to get back to writing - it's always been one of my favourite expressions, the skill I so aspire to improve.

Me too. For realz. It makes a big difference. I've missed it. Writing is actually how Steemit began for me. I miss the depth that you can explore with it. I'm looking forward to reading whatever you throw down, whenever that may be.

And the best thing about darkness is that it makes light easier to find.

Efff yesss. Makes me think about how my day yesterday and how absolutely dark is was, yet today it was so easy to find that light.

Thanks for being an easy to find light, Kate :)