The Early Bird Gets It
Chickens wake up early!
As soon as the sun starts leaking over the eastern horizon our small flock of chickens raise a ruckus, saying, "Come on! Let us out! The worms! We've got to get those worms!"
You know, they're right.
You want to run that marathon? You gotta get up early and train. It's cool still at the first light of day. There are no crazy drivers out trying to run you down.
You want to write that romance novel? You gotta get up early and write. Your kids aren't awake yet, nor are there many other distractions to interrupt your awesomely creative flow.
What about meditation? Who has time for that? You do. Early. Get up at the break of day (or just before) and sit with your own consciousness for 15 minutes. You'll be amazed at what you learn about yourself if you just shut up and stop thinking for a bit.
