Do you have questions about the meaning of your DREAMS? I'll answer/interpret in the comments section! [Week 2]

in #life7 years ago


Hi all! Time got away from me with the busyness of the holidays that just passed and I was less consistent with writing posts. As a result, "week 2" of inviting you all to share your dreams or dream questions has come a little late. My apologies!!

This is a weekly feature that I am creating where I give fellow steemians a chance to share dreams and dream questions and I will answer and interpret. The value of this is pretty high because dreams are always offering us healing and guidance on all areas of our life and they choose the most pressing issues to focus on each night.

We may be worried about financial issues or the state of political affairs but our higher self may be asking us to stop judging ourselves and show us where we picked up this habit in childhood. Or they may be showing us which foods (or negative patterns) we should eliminate in order to avoid certain cancers in the future. They will also give career and relationship guidance and tell you what spiritual gifts you have - and should be using.

Above all dreams are trying to tell us how we can be living life to the fullest, whatever that means for each of us. I use Michael Sheridan's Method of Dream Interpretation and after years of getting vague and lame dream dictionary symbols from google, can promise that this is the real method and formula that all dream-interpretation enthusiasts should be using. It's a bold statement but I do not make it shyly.

I look forward to answering your questions and interpreting your dreams!



Hm.. I will pay attention to my dream tonight- and report back

Awesome! If you wake up from one, write it down or type it in your phone as soon as you wake up. They slip away so fast otherwise. :)

i will leave this window open and just - open my laptop in the morning. good night.

good morning.
at my high school gfs (parents?) new house making paintings for them? admireing houses built with trees inside, then seeing they are yuppie tendy houses. ... thats all i could remember. maybe ill wait til i have super memorable dream and ask yu about it

Paintings are usually about ideals. A tree inside of a house (possibly parents) sounds like the attention is being brought to family tree and ideals you have in this regard. Did you like the houses less when you 'realized' they were yuppie, trendy houses? Was there judgement there? Since the dream is bringing up a high school girlfriend it could be drawing your attention to ideas you developed then. There isn't enough here for me to go very deep with it but your feelings and reactions to the realization that they were those kinds of houses will be telling. Perhaps this is an actual ideal you strive for?
Even though I can't get more insights for you from this snippet of dream, the fact that you made the effort to remember and write it down tells your subconscious that you are serious about putting in effort here and if you keep it up, you'll find your dream recall becoming more detailed. Yay, you!

If you remember what you were thinking and feeling about the houses, we can probably figure out a little more about why the dream was bringing this up.

yes i judged it more when i realized it was a kind of yuppie trendy thing, to build a house around a tree 🌲. idk, hard to explain. i was almost late to work today because i kept snoozing to try to gather more dream data lol. your analysis is AWESOME, wow. can I try again tonight?

Of course you can try again tonight!

Dreams certainly don't judge us (ever) when they point out our limitations or habits but we judge ourselves and also others. If you judge yuppies did this come from your own family or from bad experiences with people you went to high school with?

To give an example of why the dream might care to bring this up: I know someone who has a belief that rich people are evil. Anyone with a lot of money is selfish and cares only for themselves. While this may be true for some it is not true for all. The person with this limited belief is possibly blocking their own wealth by believing they would become someone evil if they had it. Possibly they are able to feel like a better-person because they have just enough to get by.

What if that person dropped that belief and got VERY wealthy though? It is doubtful that they would use it only to serve themselves. They would likely find creative ways to invest it in improving the world in some way - but their limited belief is in the way.

The dream may want you to examine your ideas about yuppies (what makes a yuppie, how do they behave, are THEY similar to the example above?) so that you can deconstruct them and tap more deeply into your ideals and what you want for yourself.

i think using the word "yuppie" to describe that small part of my dream that i remembered, might be a littel harsh... but then again, it WAS one of the elements i remembered... it was jus that i thought the tree inside the house was so cool... well the house was being built.... next to my gf's .... so it was like the skeleton of a house with a tree inside... like, they left the tree and were building around it.....and then i looked closer and the wall decorations accommodated the tree so i thought it was less interesting....

Maybe they seemed to care less about how cool the tree was (and weren't exactly honoring it by building around it as you initially suspected) but cared more about how trendy and cool it made them look to have a tree growing in the house (again, as opposed to just really honoring and respecting the "cool"ness of the tree)?

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how are you?

The interpretations of dreams have always fascinated me. Do keep us updated with the results! (:

Thanks!!! I certainly will. :)

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I agree.

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Thanks!!! ❤

I do not remember the dream which I have seen till today, I will remember the dream in front of you and thank you for sharing the dream post.

Great will come back to you! Last dream I remember was me driving in a white car in stunning scenery but driving with my mind was kinda cool. I understand this is about being in control :)

Driving a car is good! You are in the drivers seat of your path in life (rather than letting others influence what you do and where you go). The color white alone in a dream can sometimes represent perfectionism to the extent that it's almost impossible to reach the exceptionally high standard you set for yourself. If you are only controlling the car with your mind then it shows you have a very strong mind and intellect for sure! If you ever fly in dreams, then you are also an absent healer, meaning you can project your strong mind onto others to literally "think them well".

Nice all good then :)

Yes true, our dreams are shaped by pattern of our thoughts, beliefs and thinking process. Awaiting for the upcoming dream analysis on your post. Thanks for sharing.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

I always enjoy your comments. Thanks! :)

Thank you and welcome. ☺

dream is a dream that will come true

Indeed :)

hy @aprilangel
long did not read your post.
new today I see your post again,
how are you?