[Blood-type-A Elimination Diet] Day 4 & 5 - Magnesium Supplement

in #life7 years ago

On the Whole30 diet that I did in January, I felt like I was starving all the time for the first couple of weeks. I'm surprisingly "fine" on this diet. I didn't wake up very hungry on day 4, so I made a smoothie.

Half pineapple juiced with carrots and ginger then put in a blender with spinach. Ta-da! Not pretty but it tasted nice.

Lunch was roasted broccoli (like, the whole head) and onion with leftover rice and black beans.

Snack - Grapefruit

Dinner was an experiment in sauteed portabella mushrooms and onions on a salad of spinach, carrots and beansprouts. I won't lie, I used a tiny bit of salad dressing that was not compliant. No more than a teaspoon but still. The non-compliant ingredients were soybean oil, sugar and apple cider vinegar. The salad in general, even with cheater-dressing, was not a culinary delight but it did it's job. I threw the dressing away after dinner to prevent anymore cheats.

Now that we're back to school and my toddler sometimes goes to daycare so I can work, I don't have a lot of energy at the end of the day for writing steemit posts. Today, I'm combining days 4 and 5 for that reason.

On day five..

I loved the smoothie from yesterday so much that I made it again. I tried getting fancy and layering it for "the shoot" but with a frosted pint glass and a little blender foam - not exactly taking Stock Photos here. It tasted good though, trust me. 😊

Second breakfast. Oatmeal with 1/2 cup Silk Almond milk (that has cane sugar in it so I'm not buying more after this carton), maple syrup and walnuts. I barely miss butter and brown sugar. This isn't bad at all. Needs raisins maybe.

I was working a long shift today and had to use my lunch break to bring my daughter home from daycare. The afternoon was a juggle of trying to get her to nap and working. Which means: lunch was walnuts. I was worried about losing weight during this diet (I know, what a problem huh?) but with the amount of nuts I'm eating a day I'm really not noticing much weight loss. Which I appreciate. I was already 5'9" and 125lbs starting out. This diet isn't meant to help me lose weight, it's meant to heal and rest my elimination system from inflammatory irritation foods so I can raise my overall health and energy levels.

I roasted chicken for the kids but (even though it's blood-type A compliant) since I'm TRYING to stay vegan for 40 days to raise my energetic vibration I didn't partake. Juggling their dinner and mine means I didn't get around to fixing myself beans. Oh well. My dreams have yet to mention any problems with my diet (and they WILL if there are any) so I guess I'm doing fine.

There is half an avocado in that salad. The dressing is a cilantro-lime dressing I made from scratch (olive oil, cilantro, honey/agave, fresh lime juice, I'm just now realizing that I forgot to add garlic). This execution didn't blow my mind but I'd try it again. I definitely had more rice and roasted green beans than is pictured here.

Later in the evening I shared this grapefruit with my toddler. Also a little kiwi.

This is something that I take a few nights a week before bed - when I remember. For me, it does everything advertised on the label and I love it. Before I began trying to heal my elimination system and looking for the right foods for MY body, it took food an average of 5 days to leave my system after I ate it. That's way too long. I drink this and psyllium husk (not at the same time) a few times a week. I should probably remember to do it on a daily basis.

Ahhh, now I'm off to day 6. I have to say, even though I miss not having as many options for eating out - this isn't that hard.

Thanks for following my diet journey!


I should start a diet like this.

Do you know your blood type? It would all seem like bologna to me except that my dreams had been telling me to eliminate the things that the blood type diet says to eliminate for years - but I didn't "get it". I just thought I was interpreting the dreams wrong. Here are some things I was told to get rid of: bananas, eggs, red meat, coffee, potatoes, my favorite 'beanitos' tortilla chips (because navy beans aren't good for me). This is my first time trying anything like this, but so far I feel pretty good about it! I'm giving it 40 days of being strict.

Looks good, not sure I could live without coffee.

I was fantasizing about it earlier....

Such good looking food =] thanks for the healthy tips

My pleasure. So much GREEN! I can't wait to see how I feel in another week. :)

Nice.. N health

Thanks! It feels good so far.

Wow these all look amazing , making me hungry. I'll have to keep up to day with you :