Introducing About Myself: Hi every one on Steemit community! And my sweet friends

in #life7 years ago

I just joined the steemit community in few month ago.i dont know what is steemit?
Seven days ago one of my friend introduce for steemit site and what can doing tahat site.some days ago i gave some posted.
Today I am going to introduce a little bit about myself.
I am Subhajit Mondal, pen name anurag,Graduate passed in the Year of 2015 from University of Calcutta in India.I am 26 years old, from India, coming from the kolkata in west Bengal.Everyone person want come in this city,cause this city another name is city of Joy.steemit id i can use only for some viral news,some Reason,some food,technology news..etc tell to steemit friends.i just want pleas upvote me,cause for next post.also say i am very poor boy.thats time i founding job adopt my family economic. I find this site a good place for interaction. I am here between you to share my experiences, my hobbies, my passions, my good moments ..
I am interested in the field of crypto-currencies and work on the internet. in my free time I play music and sport and surfing Internet or chating to friends.
I am Honesty and loyalty and peaceful person. Everyone please Following me and reading my post also time.yes steemit friends truly say that i will give you upvote its my promise.
Thank you for reading, I hope to have a good time with you and I'll see you guys next post.bye bye


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