Hi guys, I would like to share a heart warming story of how STEEMIT has helped me for the second time now, to pay for something I otherwise would not have had the cash for !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was about 200m away from home, when all of a sudden I heard a terrible noise and my little car sounding like a tractor. It was 9h00 in the evening so I could not see what the damage was, all I knew is that I have had some welding done on the exhaust before because of rust, this time I knew the box went, but I was in great despair, as it was on the last day of the month and I had to pay rent and had NO funds to repair my car's exhaust.
I looked in my Steemit Wallet, and low and behold there were some funds, which I knew will be just enough for the repairs. I had them converted into rands, and a few hours later the money was in my account.
Once again thank you Steemit, you are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!