Do you run a program? First article in Self Help Series (Original)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. - Friedrich Nietzsche


This is the first in a series of self help articles written just for the Steemit community. I hope you find them helpful.

Programs begin as tiny seeds that grow into large trees, often with many branches. Programs are self imposed limitations. We live our lives through them, we see the world through filters and 9 times out of 10, they were not even ours to begin with, we took them on and made them our own.

The way you think, they way you feel and the way you react are all programs.

As we grow older, we are at risk of becoming hardwired and set in our ways. You probably even have a grandparent that is grumpy and stubborn or know someone that is.

How does hardwiring work?

We have approximately 100 billion nerve cells in the brain and we call them neurons. Just like wires in a computer that carry information around the system. When the same information (i.e. Programs, feelings, beliefs) is constantly fed through the neurons, they become hardwired and as we age the ability to change becomes more difficult. It’s like running the same computer program over and over, then it becomes easier to stay the same way.


So when you hear of someone that is ‘set in their ways’ or has ‘no hope of changing’ this can actually be the case. With help and recognition these programs or set ways can be altered.

Programs, which are negative thought patterns are absolutely addictive. The human body is a mobile chemistry lab and we are the scientists running that lab. Our thoughts create a chemical reaction in the body. These chemicals become addictions. It doesn’t matter who you are, the leader of a sports team or a janitor in a shopping mall, we all function on the same chemical system. By the way, I’ve been a sports team leader and a janitor in a shopping mall, though not at the same time!

Where do programs come from?

Negative programs become comfortable and addictive and seem difficult to remove. e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, bad behaviour, anger, etc. They can be altered or removed and the best part is that YOU get to choose what you don’t want to keep or what you would like to change about yourself. There is a catch. You have to recognise them first.

A program, belief or filter is instilled into us through our families when we are growing up. Usually our parents are our main teachers, followed by siblings, friends and peers. Most programs are instilled very early in our lives.

Negative programs instil fear and will grow within us as we age. With repetition, they become part of daily life and we don’t even realise they are there.

As you can see from the Tree Model pictured, our programs are instilled early, added onto and grow exponentially during the teen years and are constantly reinforced through adulthood.

Original Image

The worst part is, our programs are passed down to our children and to their children. Our behaviour makes it acceptable for them to follow. Why? Because they love and respect us and always listen to their elders! Is this what we want to bestow onto our children?

Where do your programs come from or did you inherit them?


Hi. There is a SteemTrail category for self-help, so you might want to use that as your first tag for the rest of your series. There is also one for life, so still use that. I'm curating health and will recommend this one under health today. I don't know if they have an intro post yet but here's the health one

Thank you, I couldn't find the category. Appreciate your help.

Oh and can you please credit your pictures? That's a requirement before we can recommend you for an upvote from SteemTrail.

Fixed :) Thank you for your help.