What Inspires You? The Relation Between Failure and Success.

Good evening dear steemians!
So what does inspires you? Its a hard question isn't it?
Well at least it is for me, If I'm asked such a question I don't really know where should I start to answer. I believe the main reason is, it is not a single or jus a couple of things that really inspires me. It even changes depending on the moment or the place where I'm.
Some of my friends have not even given a chance to themselves on steemit. their much of then using the excuse that they do not know what they blog about. I feel kinda sad when this happen couse I don't really know how to proceed with that. I mean is that really important to "already know what are you going to do or speak about?
I believe not only steemit but life is like a a big séries of journey where our main goal is being as happy as we can. But there is no "quest decryption about how to achieve that" And mostly we simple don't really know which choices would lead us to to a higher level of happiness.
So what can we do? I believe everybody have some life goals but mostly of us are still unsure which way would be the better one to achieve then. It is very tempting to just sit down on our comfort zone and wait having luck that things happen the way we want that to. But since the chances of that to happen are very low, the best thing we should do is get out of our comfort zone and start trying something.
We probably will always start choosing a wrong path, but we shall quickly notice that and change it to the next option. No matter how many times you made a diff try, every fail you have you'll be closer to a successful try.
Failure is part of our path to the success. So don't be afraid to fail! as long as you are trying you are on the right path.
Have you ever watched the Shia LaBeouf speech that become viral on the internet?
I absolute like it, and I feel like I've to listen to it often when I start to slid into my comfort zone.
Somebody made a music using part of this speech and I think the result was absolutely amazing. I've shared it into my Steemit musical mood of the day's post a couple of days ago, and will share it here too for those that hadn't seen it.
I've decided to use this song as my cellphone waking up alarm, it just fits perfectly the role XD
What about you? what are your goals? are you sitting on your comfort zone or already started your walking to the success path?
Ps: Remember by just clicking in the resteem button you will be giving an amazingly support to great content authors to keep doing his good work. So do not hesitate to resteem or even making a post about a good content you have seen, share it with your Steemit brothers and sisters! ^^

Thank you for reading my post!
I'm @andyluy a Brazilian jobless college student, freshman at cryptocurrencies who live in Rio de Janeiro, love to make new friends , travel around the world, having adventures and believe that steemit can help me to gather 20,000 $ to realize my life dream to study in Japan!
I intend to post about amazing things I've experienced, and hope soon be able to bring you with me to my new adventures.
When I was younger, I so much had dreams of finishing college, but my parents couldnt just do that. Both of them do not have high paying jobs to be able to send me to school.
So, what inspired me was my insecurity from the others. I was so insecure of other's success that I did not hesitate to claim it to my parents' faces that I envied my classmates who were already done of their enrolment. They were insulted, especially my father, because it had a lot to say to his responsibilities as a father and provider of the family.
That turned into misunderstanding and family wars between me and my father. I blamed him for stopping in college because of irresponsibility.
My mother went in between our fights. And later advised me to stay away from my father and live far from the house. I went and left, then I started making my dreams come true.
Now, I am who I am because I was insecure, I fought hard, and I believed in myself.
We always can choose how to succeed in life. Mine was to take the hardest way.
Congratulations on taking your hardships and insecurities and learning/growing from them. This is harder to do than you know.
I did cry hundred times because of it. My mother even asked me to stop dreaming, because she was worried of my health and emotional conditions when I was still on that stage. But, I never gave up.
I was very thin and boney before because I had to work and study. Only had 3 hour straight sleep maximum.
But, I still made it. There is God who is more bigger than my problems.
Agreed my friend. As long as you're able to keep your head about you and move forward, you'll be able to make it.
Your words actually resonate pretty deeply with my most recent post here would love to get your insight and see what you think!
Theres a certain analogy that I came up with.. I think it applies here:
Imagine any one idea you might have. That idea is a ripple in the middle of the ocean that is your mind. But by giving that idea deeper thought, you give it momentum, and it grows slightly bigger.
Than you follow that thought with language, and the momentum coninutes to build..
and then, finally, action, and the momentum (potentially) grows and grows, gaining speed and growing faster as it does.. until it becomes a tidal wave.
This is what success really is. Any one person who is successful isn't a paragon of success as much as they are dedicated and disciplined. They see the value in consistent action, regardless of how big or small, and building momentum to achieve their goals.
Essentially anything that challenges, or makes me want to go out and do something, I would say is inspiring. A good example is when I watched The King of Kong.
The documentary really made me want to go out and get a Donkey Kong machine, get good at it, and possibly beat the high scores achieved in the movie.
Literally, I did just that. It took a lot of hard work and effort, but I got inspired and set a goal and stuck to it.
Thanks for posting, enjoy your Sunday.
Wow.. amazing video i appreciate your blogs.. Best of luck..
To achieve your personal best, to make the impossible possible, you can’t fear failure, and you have to push yourself beyond your limits.
I think failure is part of life and is also a fundamental element of our success. Failure is not something to be ashamed of but something valuable, failure teach us how to grow, because ultimately, it is how we learn to succeed.
Inspiration is good, the point to lead to success must be many obstacles that facing, people who are not afraid of failure that is a successful person, because failure is the best teacher, brave despite the haunted failure