Withdraw from hate.😲 Invest in hustle💵

in #life7 years ago


Investing in hustle pays a return of money. Investing in hate pays a return of misery.

Most emotions are capable of having a positive or negative impact. The result is usually decided by how we choose to respond to that emotion. We can either use emotions to fuel us or drain us. However, that isnt the case with jealousy or hate. With that emotion, there is only a drain.

There's a common trait amongst the majority of the population. People generally dont want to see others down or doing bad. Ironically, those same people don't want to see others doing better than themselves either. They'll go as far as to help a person out of poverty, but as soon as that person starts truly thriving they'll do everything in their power to bring that individual down. We've all probably experienced this one way or another on some level.

Personally, ive been on both ends of this if we're being honest. When I was younger I had a friend that would help me put a lot. Go out of his way to give me rides, stick up for me, and even let me borrow money. You would think he'd be excited to see me succeed at high levels. Oddly enough, that wasnt the case. Everytime Id do something like tryout for the football team, pursue one of my passions, or talk to the girl that was out of my league, he would make subtle comments in an attempt to kill my confidence. He knew he wanted to dp this same thinga but he didnt have the personal belief in himself. He couldnt fathom how I could, so he had to do his best to stop me. If I succeded, his own excuses would no longer bw valid. Fortunately for me, I was never discourged by his attitude.

As silly as it seems now, Ive actually been guilty of being a hater myself a couple times. Several times, Ive seen people with less abilty than me doing something i was to do or doing better than me. Id get a burning anger and sulk to myself about how it wasnt fair. They just had the ball bounce their way a couple times. They had an easier starting point. They had never really struggled. These were all excuses id make to myself. Then one day it clicked to me. Their success and my lack of success had nothing to do with them. It was all me...

Thats the thing about wasting time and energy on hate. You're focusing your attention on another person. You're angry about what they're doing or what they have. In reality, that same and energy just needs to be directed on you. Focus on what you can do to get where they are. Let their achievements fuel you. If theyve done it, you already know its possible. You've just gotta be willing to hustle for it.

The next time youre about to hate on someone, invest that energy in hustle. It pays off




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