There is no connection between wealth and happiness - A True Story

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There are many people who will laugh now and say,
"Really, I need a million dollars and I will be happy"

Recently, when I was dealing with cryptographic coins, I got to know rich people!
How rich?
Some of them have over 100 million dollars!
Most of them do not understand much about the Bitcoin world, some are key people in the Bitcoin world.

I went to visit one family in which the father made a lot of money (not from Bitcoin) and I saw the family completely finished, broke!

The child is clinically depressed - all the time in front of the computer, if he is disconnected from the computer he plays on a cell phone.

The girl is quiet and introverted, they are two children.

I talked to the father a little about digital coins, he left the family long ago, he lived with his mistress and left his wife.

The curses I heard him cursing his wife would not embarrass a person suffering from a tort.

His former wife started taking antidepressants and she takes care of the house (a huge villa) alone and also the children, the father is hardly in contact with the children.

His former wife told me:

I do not know how when he started to be rich he left me and the children?

If you go into their house, you'll see a lot of money!
But you will not see a drop of happiness

On the other hand, I know a family that I teach them privately-math and english

They do not have a lot of money - they are five children and they were expelled from the house that was theirs because they could not repay the mortgage

Money I can not find there,
The sofas are received from donations, they receive packages of food every week to help them survive
They earn a pretty good salary, and fate is just cruel to them.
But when you go into the house, what you see is smiling children and you smell a good smell of cooking.

When I read the book "How to treat money" I did not believe the paragraph that says "there is no connection between wealth and happiness"

As I grew older, and I went into new houses, I saw new people
I understood one thing, you can be happy in any situation!

As long as you're healthy and you have somewhere to sleep and what to eat, what we lack is satisfaction in the head.

There is a sentence in Jewish wisdom that says "איזה הוא עשיר? השמח בחלקו".
Who is rich? Those who are happy with they have. (poor translate , in Hbrew it sounds much better)

When you are a child you do not understand the sentence in depth.
You want the most expensive toy, or the Playstation, or fly to beautiful places.

There is an interesting message to my life at least.

If you are not happy when you have no money (or anything you want)
Apparently money or anything else would not change the situation.

If you are happy and happy with what you have, you are probably a tool to gain more happiness and wealth.

So what came the egg or the chicken first?
Happiness or wealth?
Decide for yourself.

credit to pixabay for the amazing pictures


That's really true and it is all matter of understanding.
The thing is we only need certain amount of money to fulfill our needs.

Interesting topic. But you always have to remind yourself that there are always storys where it's upside down. So in this context there are tons of wealthy AND healthy families who are just enjoying their life and their money because that's one aspect what money actually IS for. Further I know a few families who do not have a lot of money and in addition to that their family life is also broken.

I'm not trying to tell you that there's a connection between wealth and happiness but for sure, and 90% of you will agree with that, there is a connection between mindfulness and happiness. And if you would use your mindfulness to create something valueable (in a positive way) for other people than happiness will come as a byproduct.

Anyway great post thanks for that :)
Have a nice day!

It's very true - some studies have found a correlation with having enough wealth to be comfortable with happiness, but above a modest amount, there was no increasing happiness after that.

If we are unhappy and poor, when we become weathly, we will now be unhappy and rich. We must seek that inner contentment to become truly satisfied. Thanks for sharing your story of the two families. It was quite sad in a way, but also enlightening. Have a great day @amiramnoam!

אחד הפוסטים הטובים שלך נעם, די מרגש אפילו.
בעיניי כסף הוא כלי - הוא יכול לאפשר לך רוגע כלכלי ככה שתוכל להפסיק לרדוף אחריו ולפנות זמן למשפחה, לחברים, לתחביבים וכדו' - זה בדיוק הקאצ' שהזכרת - צריך להזהר לא להתמכר לכסף ולעושר ורק לרצות עוד ועוד, בסוף למות זקן על ערימה של כסף לא נותן לבנאדם כלום.
כל מי שגדל במשפחה שמחה יודע שזה ממש לא עניין של כסף, אושר תלוי בעיקר בגישה לחיים של בני המשפחה, וביחוד במסרים שההורים משדרים לילדים.

"Who is rich? Those who are happy with what he has"

This is so true. Long time ago now I gave away all my belongings and have been living without money for many of years. The journey has been quite a challenge to say the least but transforming and I've learned and grown so much. If you don't know how to use your monetary wealth it can indeed be more of a curse then a blessing. Having good information to base your decisions on is key. Going to share more of my experiences and knowledge here on the Steem blockchain going forward and I'm happy to share this journey with you @amiramnoam. 2018 is looking to be a real exciting year... :)


@amiramnoam - You are absolutely correct my friend. I have personally experienced the issue with trying to be successful (which in terms of normal world people - means making more money) and in the process, I was losing touch with my family, my own passions.
Money is not everything. Of course, we need money to survive but how much is 'enough' - we all have to decide for ourselves. Are we content with what we have or are we in a rat-race of life - that is what I asked in my post today and here is a post from you that answers it almost. :)
Thanks. Upvoted.


I wish more people like us will finally realize the truth to this fact about finding happiness. If only we can all find the balance between earning money and spending time doing the things that are most important, like spending time with our families. Thanks for sharing your personal experiences @amiramnoam 🤛

There is a connection but not established always. Wealth can be a cause of happiness if you are not a slave of wealth. But happiness can be without of wealth it is true.

There is a fine line where you have too much money. But also not having enough can be very stressful. You could be living in a home where there is always a negative vibe. Only if you had enough money to move out, get your own space, be able to eat everyday, and have a vehicle that works and is able to get you where you need to go. When suddenly you feel you NEED a lambo or the newest phone or the most expensive steak then you're setting yourself up to not enjoy the little things in life.

I would say I am a happy person...but boy am I stressed out and unhappy sometimes and the majority of my stress can be relieved if I was to receive a million dollars per your example. The true things that should make you happy are the loved ones around you and doing things you love. If you can't afford the life you want to live then it's time to do something about it. Financial freedom allows you to explore more in depth who you are as a least that's what I imagine it to be like.

I basically agree. Money cannot buy happiness. They have tragedies too. Rich people.

Most people want the things that they don't have. But not a lot of people are grateful for everything they already have. When you start being grateful, only then you can become happy.

Home is in the intellectual capacity to be happy. -A homeless (not according to him though!) guy named Mark.

@amiramnoam - Excellent post, worth to re-read for many. The essence is ? "Nobody, yeah nobody ever won or will win the money game" ... and this is what is not understood by almost nobody though they say all the time: yeah, yeah I understood :) # 10 points to you from space for your great exposure !