It's been 5 YEARS since I've seen my brother.

in #life8 years ago

Some might ask, where has Paige been these past days? Well I've been on vacation visiting my family.

This vacation was not planned at ALL. Monday morning I told my boyfriend that I needed him to take me home that night so I could go to the airport the next day. I didn't tell him days in advance....I told him hours in advance that I was going to see my family.

Friday, August 11th, was the first time I saw my brother in 5 years !! I just don't know where the time has gone! I also got to see my grandpa, who hasn't been doing the greatest these past couple months. I spent 5 days with my family and it felt great! I was so happy to be reunited with everyone in one place again.

Last night I dedicated to my grandpa specifically...just because I live 900 miles away from him and you never know when it might be the last time I'd see him. We had a bonfire together, just the two of us! It was incredible. Every moment that the fire was lit, I just keep thinking how wonderful it was and that there might never be another moment like that again. He told me so many stories (keep in mind, he's been depressed this past year because of how bad he's been doing with his health)...all about when he was young and dumb! The smile on our faces was something that will be in my heart forever.

The quality of this picture is awful...but the only thing that matters is the moment that was shared.

I thank god for the time I had with my family! It made my heart so happy (: