A few random thoughtssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Since this place isn't like facebook, I have to write all my random thoughts down in a single post. :-)

I keep running my upvote power down below 25%, I can't help it. I get on here and start reading posts, and the upvotes start flying. There's so much good content on steemit, I can't keep up with it all...

My garden is still growing pretty slowly, the weather just hasn't been very good for the garden so far this summer. It's been mostly in the high 60s and low 70s for the past couple of weeks, and we've had a lot more rain than normal. I've had a lot of trouble getting the pole beans to sprout, I think the ground is just too wet for them. I think that a lot of the seeds just rot before they can sprout, or they sprout and then die. I've replanted the pole beans 3 times now, and I have 11 plants in an 18 foot row right now. I'm waiting to see if the last replant takes or not. If I get beans from them, it will be late in the season this year. At least my row of bush green beans all came up, so I'll have them. I won't run out of green beans anyway, I'm still eating the beans I canned in 2015, and I have 60-70 pints of beans that I canned in 2016. That's one thing that I don't have to buy at the store.

I should have picked my strawberries 2 days ago, but it was raining all day. I picked them today and found a number of them that were pretty far gone. At least my mother wasn't there to holler at me for eating them instead of putting them in the bucket. I kind of miss that, you know...

I haven't been getting very far on my other projects this summer either due to the weather. I don't like to work on stuff when it's raining, I get wet, and I might melt. It's a good thing my skin isn't green...

I went to the walk in clinic at the local V.A. hospital today to see about getting a Lymes disease test, I found a really tiny tick on me about a week ago, and about 3 days ago I started feeling like shit. At first I thought it was the old potato salad that I ate, but then I remembered the tick. The end result was that they gave me the big dose of doxycline just in case. Lymes disease is nothing to mess around with!

On the good side, I haven't had a depression episode in about 3 weeks now, so that's a good thing. My depression is much more manageable in the summer, I have a seasonal affected component to my clinical depression. Being outside a lot really helps with managing the down cycle. I find it difficult to go outside in the winter, the cold makes my skin hurt. When I was much younger, the cold didn't bother me. I used to go ice fishing a lot, I just have no interest in that now.

Well, I guess that's enough rambling on for now, see you next time.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope I didn't bore you too much...


Wow, those were pretty random, not gonna lie. :))

Yeah, pretty much...

I've been saving my upvotes but just gave you one. Sorry, it is only one cent.

I have read your other posts and I like the way you relate your adventures and share your ideas and inventions.
We had trouble in New Hampshire with germination due to the cold too. We even pre-soaked the corn seed and had to replant 3 times. It is finally taking off.

Could I suggest that you use a new tag so all our posts will show up in one place

Oh yeah, I'll definitely use that tag! :-)

Thanks. Then I won't miss any of your posts.

Also, thanks for the upvote, every little bit counts!

Sorry about the troubles with your green beans and strawberries. Glad your depression is on the up and up for right now, I also struggle with it so I understand. I used to like the cold myself when I was younger but now as an adult Id rather be in the sun where its nice and warm. Wish I could live on the beach and be in tepid weather all year round. anyway your thoughts didn't bore me at all . i think it's nice to get to know the people on here I follow better. reminds me we're all people on here and we all have lives and a story to tell !

I'd be happy spending the winters in New Mexico or Arizona where it's not so cold. I don't think I'd want to live there in the summer though, way too hot. But at least it's a dry heat, not like the humidity here in the Great Lakes region.

Yeah Id take try heat over humidity anyday :p

We finally have had some warm days and things have started taking off, but yes, there are several things I should have been able to start harvesting by now and they are only just starting to flower. At least my blueberries are finally getting ripe, they are about a month or so behind but better late than never!

Indeed it is.

I had run my voting power down pretty far too. Took it a couple of days to recover. I've seen posts where people recommend trying to keep your power at around 80%, which is like 11 upvotes per day, from 100%. I use https://steemnow.com/ to keep track of where I'm at. I've also started trying to comment and resteem things more and reserve my upvotes for posts from my followers and posts that are just really well done. I have to constantly remind myself that upvotes aren't really the same thing as liking something on FB.

Yes, my voting power never seems to recover from the abuse that I give it. :-)
Most days lately it starts out at around 35% and I burn it down to about 23% or so. I start out with my upvote worth 4-5 cents, and it's usually around 2-3 cents by the time I'm done. I do it anyway because I do a fair amount of curating posts most nights and I read a lot of posts that are worth upvoting. I figure that I don't have much value to give them yet, but I can give them something anyway.

It's my understanding that voting power recovers at a rate of 20% per day. Even at 90+% I'm still only giving out a penny per upvote. I've been being a little stingy with my upvotes lately to try to keep my voting power up. I generally go through my feed and upvote followers/following posts first, then look for new posts from people I haven't seen before to upvote, then upvote comments if I have enough voting power left and am burnt out on reading through posts.

That makes sense to me. It's as good a way to do it as any.