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RE: Why Was I Taught to hate Myself?

in #life7 years ago

I often felt that white-shame growing up. especially in my early years. As of late I have thought how strange it is that people hold so tightly to those past "atrocities" that have been committed against "their people". Why do we hold onto these traumas from generations before us and make them our own? A very strange practice indeed.

Everyone is allow to have a heritage, culture and story except for white people.. WHITE lol can't even give us the dignity of using the term Caucasian anymore.. now on applications here in the US I see that as the only option.. "white", a literal color.. yet if you say anything about how racist that is well I'll be slandered and attacked. if they ever wrote black or yellow on an application as a box to check off for your race all hell would break loose..

thank you @maxigan - I've been listening to you for maybe 2 years now but this is, I think, the first time I've heard you speak out about the Holocaust. I have not dived deep down that rabbit hole but I'm glad you've dropped some book names and such in this podcast because I will be checking it out. I've heard some talk about it but more along the lines of the scientists we took in.. and the experiments done during WWII but now I'm questioning the truth of that and how this all fits together,
great show this week!