
in #life7 years ago

Stop listening to everything you hear is probably easier said than done.

I’m the worst person to tell anything to because I hear something, think about it for a few minutes and react without thinking then after somethings done it’s over with and can’t be taken back. I’m the youngest and was always the one that would be told stories that were fake but were made out to be real and of course believe them. As I got older I would hang out and talk to people I went to school with and text them or become friends on #facebook or #intagram, that was not the problem but everyone knows in middle and high school the big thing is starting drama, but now it has carried over from grade school to everyday life as an adult or a child , people will say something untrue twist it and stretch the whole entire story until it drives me insane from all the harassment and shit talking on social media , facebook is a joke , all its good for is being able to harass anyone at anytime , any where with no consequences or repercussions . That is not something i want to be apart of.

Over years you think it’s going to stop and get better but really it doesn’t at all you just must learn to listen instead of reacting, and ignore instead of feed into the drama ... After doing that and realizing your gut feeling is the only thing not trying to get a reaction out of you and only thing not starting drama the better off you’ll be! Stop giving people the time of day to get into your head mess up your happiness and relationship with whomever it might be. Start just focusing on Your family, kids, and people your close too. Everyday is a new day and a chance to start over.