Tips on writing a great wedding toast

in #life7 years ago

One of the main duties of the best man during the wedding ceremony is giving a toast to the newly wedded couple. This duty is one can be really scary as most best men don’t want to make errors that will leave them embarrassed and sour the mood at the reception. However if you follow these tips, you will give a great toast even if you are not a great public speaker.
To begin with, it is imperative that you are comfortable in your skin. Try not to act all bumbled up, stammer, stutter or look at your feet. It will make the audience uncomfortable. Feel comfortable and act relax, after all it’s your best buddy’s wedding.

Try to keep the toast short, concise and to the point. Nobody wants to know about where and when you met the couple except of course you seek to bring out a point while making your toast. Err on the side on brevity. Keep it short and witty. Don’t bore the audience with long winded stories.

Keep it witty and hearty by sharing an anecdote. Give the guests a behind the scenes look into the background of the relationship and you are sure to get them laughing out in amusement.

The first time your friend went on the date with her, did he return home with a huge smile on his face? It won’t hurt to share that with the guests.
Don’t forget to pay compliments. If you are best man, it will be a great idea to compliment the bride on how beautiful she looks and how she has made your friend a better person. As a maid of honor, you can complement the groom on how much he makes your friend happy and how much that means to you.

Don’t talk about past or failed relationships. Remember that guy that swore he will never leave your friend but ended up breaking her heart, now is not the time to bring that up. Leave it in the past.

Wrap it up with a marriage quote, passage from any of the Holy Books or just a poem you know the couple will like. You can also end it with lyrics from the couple’s favorite song.
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There you go, adopt these tips and you are sure to be a hit at an wedding you have to give a toast.


Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.

- Mahatma Gandhi