Do Rothschilds control cryptocurrencies? – Etherium founder asks, What is project pheonix? Rothschilds 1988 Prediction For New World Currency In 2018 Set To Rock Global Markets

in #life6 years ago


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The founder of the world's second biggest cryptocurrency Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, has questioned whether the Rothschild conspiracy theory extends to digital money.
“Are ‘the Rothschilds’ even well-coordinated enough to be worth caring about as a group these days?” Buterin asked on Reddit. Buterin raised the issue as cryptocurrency enthusiasts are discussing the opaque IMMO blockchain project the banking dynasty is reportedly investing in.

Little is known about IMMO, but the crypto-society has said it can be a digital token backed by natural resources like gold or somehow related to real estate. The project is reported to be watched personally by Alexandre de Rothschild, the newly-appointed head of the family’s banking dynasty.

After a discussion on Reddit, Buterin said he came to a conclusion that the Rothschilds’ possible influence on cryptocurrencies is overrated. “My updated view after seeing the replies is that they are just people born into various old-money-type high society positions, and the theories that they are anything beyond that are fairly baseless,” he wrote.

In December, the Rothschild family reportedly purchased bitcoin exposure, via the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, for the first time. The conspiracy theories around Rothschilds’ cryptocurrency control are being heated up by a 1988 publication in The Economist, a magazine controlled by the family.

“Thirty years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favored by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century,” the magazine wrote thirty years ago.


Is this Rothschilds led prediction from 30 years ago for a new world currency about to rock global markets in 2018?

December 18 (King World News) – Egon von Greyerz: “In 1988, the UK magazine, The Economist forecast that 2018 would be the year of a new currency which they named the Phoenix. Quite a mind boggling prediction 30 years ago, especially since 2018 looks like a year when a major currency upheaval could take place…

These people are responsible for every injustice around the world. 9/11 if one example of what they do as well as the war in Iraq, Syria, Libya and soon Iran. Why don't we stop them? Because we are all scared and all divided. We are sheeps.
Trump denounces the establishment but he belongs to this establishment as well.


“For conspiracy theorists, the Economist’s owners consist of a number of elite families and bankers including the Rothschilds. Was this a plan which has been in the making for a very long time? Or is it sheer fluke that a major currency event might take place in the year that the Economist predicted?

So what could be the events that will lead to a major disruption in currency markets and in the world economy in 2018?

The demise of the dollar as the reserve currency of the world is a certainty. It is only a question of when it will take place. The dollar does not qualify as the rock of the world currency system. Since the gold backing of the dollar ceased in 1971, it has lost 98% in real terms when measured against gold. But also against most currencies, the dollar has lost greatly. In Swiss francs for example, the dollar is down 77% since 1971.

The dollar is backed by massive debts and deficits. The US has not had a real budget surplus since 1960 and has been running Trade deficits since 1975. The dollar is backed by nothing but debts and a strong military. It is living on borrowed time.


In 1974, the US agreed to support Saudi Arabia financially and militarily on the condition that the Saudis priced oil in dollars. Since most of the world bought oil from Saudi Arabia at that time, it led to a major demand for dollars, which is still the case today. That was the beginning of the Petrodollar which has enabled the US to live above its means for 44 years. But from 2018 the Petrodollar will gradually be replaced by the Petroyuan and also the Petroruble.


China, the world’s largest oil importer, will, together with Russia and Iran, switch from trading oil in dollars. Trading will be backed by a futures contract in Petroyuan with a potential convertibility to gold. Except for further military intervention in the Middle East, the US now has little chance of stopping this major strike against the dollar. The US is currently virtually self-sufficient in oil production and is no longer a major trading partner of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the US neither can nor will stop Saudi Arabia moving its sphere of activity from West to East.

The major event this year that has convinced many that we have a new currency system which is controlled by no country and no central bank is of course the Cryptocurrencies led by Bitcoin. In 2017, we have seen a mania in cryptos of massive proportions. At the beginning of the year, the market cap of all cryptos was $17 billion. As of today, there are 1,360 cryptos with a total value of $588 billion. That is a 34-fold or 3,300% increase in the value of cryptocurrencies in just one year. There are 589 cryptos over $1 million with Bitcoin being the biggest at $312 billion.


How can anyone believe that the world can function with a payment system that has 1,360 currencies which is continuing to grow exponentially with a new ICO (Initial Coin Offering) virtually every day. Cryptos in their present form will never be accepted as currencies. Bitcoin is up 20X in 2017. If that were a currency, it would indicate a 1,900% inflation or more precisely hyperinflation. But Bitcoin is not a currency. Also, it could never be used as a payment system due to the very slow speed of transaction. Bitcoin and other cryptos are just an electronic form of tulip bulbs. Like the tulip bulbs, the Bitcoin bubble can get bigger although the Bitcoin mania is now bigger than Tulipomania as the chart Indicates.


So if there will be a new currency in 2018 as the Economist forecast, it is unlikely to be Bitcoin or any of the 1,360 cryptos. It is possible that Bitcoin was constructed by a government in order to experiment with how a cryptocurrency would work. Or it could be as Catherine Austin-Fitts believes that governments are closely watching the crypto mania and letting private enterprise develop the market before they step in and ban all cryptos in order to install their own.


I would not be surprised to see the US government introducing a Cryptodollar in 2018 or later to replace the current dollar which they know will soon collapse. All existing debt would remain in the Old Dollar. The US government would then encourage and assist a fast appreciation of the Cryptodollar, just like Bitcoin. This would enable repayment of the Old Dollar with the new inflated Crypto$. Obviously, this scheme would not work but for a while a euphoric crypto world might buy it, hook line and sinker.

Neither China, nor Russia would fall for this trick. China would lose massively on their US Treasury holdings. This would drive these two countries to introduce some form of gold backing of their currencies or payment system. If the paper gold trading and exchanges are still standing a that point, China and Russia will use all their resources to break the gold and silver paper market. This would drive up the price of gold and silver into a mania that the world has not seen before.


So will the Phoenix currency, (which the Economist forecast in 1988 would rise in 2018), be a Crypto$? Or will it be gold backed trading in Yuan and Ruble? Or will it be the Bitcoin mania going to $1million? We don’t know of course. But what we do know is that 2018 is likely to contain many surprises on the currency front with massive volatility not only in currencies but also in most other markets.

What we also know is that although cryptos can go a lot higher before they collapse, they offer no protection for investors seeking wealth preservation. Very few of the holders of the current $588 billion in cryptos will be able to get out before these reach zero. Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins and it always punishes mania investors.

Gold will continue to be the only currency to survive in history just as it has for almost 5,000 years. Physical gold and silver are the ultimate form of wealth preservation as well as insurance against the economic and financial calamities that the world will experience in coming years.”


Will this influence Steemit? Only time will tell.

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There can be no doubt that the old banking families will seek to corner the crypto markets but it is important not to be pessimistic about this. Money has always been about faith, which is why the bankers are never far from the temple. I see the rise of crypto-currency as an expression of humanity’s loss of faith in traditional currencies and hopefully a step towards a truely meritorious society and if this can realised then hopefully we will have the independence to reject them when they try.