When is it time to quit your job?

in #life7 years ago

Many people are staying long time at jobs that doesn't challenge them intellectually and even worse isn't giving them any happiness.

There is no doubt that if they had the money in the bank they needed, they might have left their job. But is it worth waiting until the conditions are perfect before you quit a job that isn't providing any happiness?


My personal philosophy is that when you start to look at your watch at a job, and once you are waiting for Friday to come just to get out of the work, then it is time to quit. Nobody wants to reach the point where they simply can't stand it anymore.

Once you for a longer period have thought that your current job isn't something for you, then it is a good idea to give yourself a two month period where you in your free time don't go back on the couch, to the café or anything else but instead spend your time thinking about which job could provide you happiness in your every day life.
There are so many jobs out there and therefore there is a perfect job for more or less everyone. In other words fight to make the day interesting not only at home but also at work.


In my opinion the key is to find a job where you can use your professional skills but also some of the skills you earned from your interests and hobbies.

While all mentioned so far mainly is hypothetical I would like to bring a small example of how I see that it is possible to turn your everyday life from sad to pleasure when you dare to change things.

I have a friend that was working as an accountant and simply hated his job, every day at work for him was a struggle to keep up the mood. Out of the sudden within a few weeks, he switched job and started working as a chef, which surprised many of his friends including myself. How could he leave the job at the office and go to work as a chef? Nothing wrong with being a chef, but the two industries are simply so different.

What he did was that he simply asked himself what he would like to do every day, and then he went for it. He have being working there for three years now and still enjoys it as much as in the first two weeks.
What he did is not a miracle or anything, he just did what he thought could make him happy, and he dared to say stop when he felt things were going wrong. He quit the job he disliked a became happy, it sounds so simply but only a few dares.

Of course there are some that takes a chance and lose, there is no doubt that chasing the dream can go wrong temporarily, but what is sure is that working all your life at a job that doesn't make you happy is a huge failure that isn't worth living.

Therefore my opinion is that people always should chase their dream job, and never let go of such ambitions.


I worked in corporate offices for more than 20 years before (rather dramatically and abruptly) quitting twelve years ago.

I started a housecleaning biz and started writing books. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.

As I slowly transition into writing for profit, I will be reducing my cleanings and spending more time writing and marketing my work. I love what I do!

Lovely to hear so and I really admire how you dared to take the chance. Sometimes it is all about taking the chance to quit.

What kind of books are you writing?

Hi @alexpsyllos

Changing careers has been a long ongoing battle for me. I have tried so many times to start something new but then fall back into the familiarity and comfort of a job I literally dislike. There are times I want to run my car into a brick building to end it all. (just teasing, I know this is dramatic to say) However, I really thought after Graduate school things would be easier. I even started my own company and it isn't doing as well I had expected. I do believe in following my DREAMS so I will continue to work towards that. Taking action with every passing day and with each passing breath. I wish you great success in all your endeavors​​​​​ and Thank you for your inspiring post.


🎀 @theprettysoul 🎀

Changing your career and trying to chase your dreams can be a very difficult task.
Most people endure their boring jobs just because they are too scared to chase their dreams when they believe they have a stable job.

It is so true, it can actually somehow function as a Stockholm syndrome, that people in a way keep loving the job that keeps them away from living their dream.