What is love? Theme to discuss Give me your opinions !!!!!!!!!!!!
What is love? How to define something so complex, contradictory, fascinating and at the same time makes us feel so alive? It can not be observed under a microscope, there are those who define it in chemical terms and who make poetry from it. Love is inspiration, sometimes even suffering, everyone wants to live it, most have ever felt it, but our pending account is still being able to explain it.
Mahatma Gandhi said that "where there is love there is life". This is undoubtedly one of the simplest but most realistic definitions of this wonderful, yet mysterious, dimension. This emotion is what nourishes the baby that has just been born, the one that helps us grow, the one that makes us feel part of a social group. Love, so to speak, places us in the world ...
Emotions associated with love can be extremely powerful, often becoming irresistible. Love in its various forms acts as an important facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, due to its central psychological importance, is one of the most frequent topics in the creative arts (cinema, literature, music).
Love is a term that is present in daily conversation. Usually the term is associated with romantic love, a passionate relationship between two people with an important influence on their mutual interpersonal and sexual relationships.
These are some concepts that I would like your opinions and thoughts on this and that it is a topic to discuss I hope your comments