small story difficult case I hope you like it
A man lay on the lawn of the Walk of Fame under a young lime tree. He was lying on his back, with his arms open and his eyes, as if he were looking at something at the top of the tree, he was still. A huge dog sat next to him and from time to time whimpered as if he were asking for something, and his tail, usually quiet, trembled with impatience. Every once in a while, his big head would lean over a pale one, with a terrifying blue, a hand lying down and a dog would lick it, as if to say: "Well, what are you? Let's go up! After all, it's time to let's go home ... "
When they stopped near them, apparently feeling something strange, two elderly people, the dog raised its head, looked at them, with some kind of look from the depths, and roared softly, making it clear: with it the jokes are bad! The passersby worried. They started talking hurriedly about something. Then the man walked quickly to the nearest building with a pediment, pilasters and niches: this was the garrison building of the Officers' House. The woman also moved to the opposite edge of the asphalt road. From the direction of the City Garden, a group of young people approached this place, spoke loudly, laughing and laughing friendly. Suddenly everyone fell silent and stopped. As they approached the woman who was standing, they began to ask her about something. The woman explained. Then the young people, interrupting each other, began to discuss the situation. The situation was not the most common: the man obviously needed help, and his friend made it clear that he would not allow anyone to approach the owner. One of the boys tried to go to the liar. But, the dog growled menacingly, he unequivocally expressed his attitude towards this. And the young man had nothing to do but retire.
And somewhere in the next street, already quite close, there was a loud and alarming tearing of the siren of the intensive care machine. Here he has already rushed into the alley, as if declaring: I am already here! And abruptly silent.
From the yellow, with red stripes, the people with white coats jumped out of the truck and ran towards the man lying on the grass. But ... there was a grunt so threatening that they froze with their mouths open. What to do? ...
Hearing the howl of a siren approaching, the dog moved its ears, lifted its nose, drew in the air and, as if unwillingly, stood up. It clearly seemed to him that something not completely normal was happening. And when the car burst onto the tile platform and led to the place where the people were, I had already assumed a position that was meaningful and expressive.
If someone now dared to approach his master, he would have run with all his determination and strength and would have knocked him down. The dog could not allow anyone to touch the man to whom he had been infinitely betrayed. He lowered his head a little and stretched his face forward.
One of the "white coats" approached slowly and, extending his hand, began to say a few words. The words had an intonation similar to those the teacher had always pronounced when he wanted to explain something and, at the same time, he asked that he perform this or that action. But, those were the owner's words, and these ... They were uttered by a completely unknown stranger, There was no anxiety in these words, there was not even a shadow of some kind of trick or deception in them, but they were not uttered by their teacher. And the dog was used to following the orders of the owner, his friend. There was a warning grunt again, and all the same determination and inflexibility in him.
How to be After all, a person needs urgent help. And here everyone can decide, not even minutes, seconds ...
The doctor addressed the people who are already here, a pretty decent crowd.
- Comrades, does anyone know a dog? After all, a weird dog ... Or maybe, who knows his address? Who knows, tova-arischi?
Nobody knew anything. And the crowd advised, offered, argued. - Maybe call the police?
- Or maybe better dog lovers?
"Yes ... when will they come?" Help is urgently needed. You have to call the police! - What about the police? ...
- Yes, I'm sorry for the dog ... After all, I shot.
- Silly stuff! Throw the net and that's it.
These were all useless words. It was necessary to do something and do it urgently. But what?
Time inexorably pushed human life to a state from which it would be incredibly difficult or impossible to get out. What to do What to do?
The dog did not move away from the lying owner or half a step. The anxiety of these people, who seemed not to threaten her or her owner, the people, transmitted it to her. The dog growled, making it clear to everyone that he was alert. Then he inclined his face to the man who was lying, he licked his hand, he smelled it and then something started happening in him that had not been tried before. Involuntarily, the stomach began to rise suddenly, the tongue warmed and stood out, in a frantic rhythm, began to move from side to side as if the air were lacquering. It seemed that the owner's face gave him cold. His nose began to sweat, his eyes shone moist, and his hair seemed about to become chunks. This has never happened to him. His canine intuition said: something happened to the owner. What to do
This "what to do", apparently, united the dog and the man in a white robe. The human anxiety and anxiety of the dog merged into a single alarm. Now they were connected by some kind of thread and, although still remotely, they understood this. And then the man, not very strong, but of course, said the order: "To me!". In the dog everything protested, he opposed. Execute someone's command ?! .. Feet as if they were rooted in the ground. The nose was irritated by the smell of the car and the white coat. His ears were broken by a family team, but very strange. What to do A question and a doubt froze in the eyes of the dog. The dog was on the edge of something. And this "something", on the one hand, was a team of "alien", on the other: a cold cheek, a lying master. The owner has never had such a cold cheek. And when the owner usually reclines on the couch, then he always felt the soft warmth of his hands and cheeks. And now ... His lap had vanished. The tail fell. - To me - I heard the dog. And with a sigh of relief, but still resisting in some way, doubting something, he slowly went to the man.
- Sit down! - The team rang hard. And the dog fulfilled this order with great obedience.
- Guys, quick stretcher!
This can not be said. The paramedic and the driver were ready. They just looked at the dog. The dog was silent, but still felt some kind of spring.
"Sit down," the doctor repeated calmly, and went to the prostrate body. In his ears the tube apparatus has already been glued to listen. He quickly placed the stethoscope resonator under his shirt, and the doctor began to listen: there is a heartbeat. - In the car! - The doctor's voice sounded sharply.
When the owner was gently placed on a stretcher, the dog sat quietly in the same place where he was ordered to sit. Is it calm? ... Apparently, calmly. But in the dog's thoracic cell there was so much anxiety about what people, maybe, could not even imagine. But the dog was intelligent, and most importantly, he was very disciplined. He remained seated even when the car doors were already closed. The dog got up nervously when he started the engine of the special vehicle. The silence was broken by a hysteric, destroying all the entrails of the dog, howling sirens. For a long time this howl was heard from the place where the dog was. There was nobody around. The crowd dispersed. At the end of the alley, looking from time to time, a couple of seniors were removed.
On the tiles arranged around the monument to the men of the Urals tank, she jumped, playing with herself, a girl about five years old. Lush blue arcs flew over his head, with each bounce.
Upon seeing the dog, standing alone in an indecision, the girl ran towards her. A few steps before the dog, the girl stopped. If it was stopped by the impressive size of a dog; if the instinct for self-preservation worked, but she stayed and did not know how to proceed. Approach and caress the dog, whose eyes were very sad and did not inspire a single pound of fear, nor turned and fled this huge and hairy creature.
The dog raised his face, inhaled the air with his nose and went towards the owner of the magnificent arches. The girl shrugged internally, held her breath for a moment, but seeing that there was no shadow of aggression in the dog's eyes, she held out a feather and touched a hot nose. - Dog, are you lost?
Probably children are not always "big" inspires fear. Rather, it seems to them that in the "big" and the good is more. And now the girl saw in this giant something good, kind, even a little sad. - You must have lost your master? Go home - and gently stroked her broad hairy back. That means "home." The dog knew it well. Liznuv's peach cheek, gratefully waved his tail, constantly wandered in the direction from which, we can say recently, came with the owner. Start