Omg look! A UFO! Quick! Let's grab the shittiest quality camera we have!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The headline may be intentionally funny and satirical, but it's important.

Why is it important?

Because it brings up the question of ambiguity at its most basic level in today's world.

Controversial point ahead:

The internet is making people think that they're really well-informed and smart, when really, they are not.

We have all these conspiracy theory videos and articles from "credible" sources that don't really tell the truth, but put on a facade of truth by tapping into our confirmation bias or our love for things new, dramatic and totally wild.

Then we dump out our common sense altogether as we ignore the basic but extremely important questions.

That's a lot of people, looking all suave, formal and well-dressed with their misguided opinions.

See the conflict?

Please, for the love of everything good and sensible, go back to your gut, instincts and common sense to question the conflict at its most BASIC level.

I am just going to let it rain now. If this hits a nerve, well, drop me a comment and let's discuss:

If UFOs, at least the ones who have visited us are real, why are the evidence always in shit quality?

If ghosts are real, don't you think actual scientists and not reality-tv ghost hunter stars would actually do something about it?

If faith healing works, why are these healers not working in hospitals but instead putting on a show for it all the time?

If that multi-level-marketing pyramid scheme has such an awesome product, why is it the salesperson doesn't even use his own product but instead focuses on recruiting people only?

If psychics who can see into the future, why don't they just win the lottery in secret and stop with their walk-in readings? 

If [insert whatever substance or method] can cure cancer, don't you think it'd be reported in the news that less people are dying of cancer? Don't you think scientists would have done some research on it?

If going for some seminar or paying for some course that's going to "guarantee" you a successful business, would it make sense then that anyone could work a shitty job for a month, earn that salary, quit said shitty job, go for that seminar or course and become super successful person immediately?

If that person is truly your good friend, why is he or she constantly putting you down?

If your girlfriend or boyfriend loves you, why are they constantly disappearing and being unaccountable?

If being successful on Steemit is all about dropping weak comments and asking for followbacks, why is it not working out for you till now?

Think about it.

Follow me here on Steemit! @aldentan

Support my work here on Patreon if you like my writing. Peace!

Upvote, resteem and comment ya?


Lulz, same thing with false flag events. The people filming always seem to have their phone in the wrong direction...

I am digging this post with a big shovel and would like to discuss each of the topics you mention, not sure if there is a debate option on here, but I don't feel like I have enough data on your argument to counter. Let's figure that out.

Sure. Just comment whatever you have. All good.

Ha, good one. I feel your pain.

@aldentan I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth.

If UFOs, at least the ones who have visited us are real, why are the evidence always in shit quality?

First of all, of course UFOs exist. If you dont know whats flying around its a UFO. misread your post.

Secondly its not like people would usually have the time to go grab their camera. Their reaction would be to use their phone. Which is probably the shittiest camera they own.

If alien UFOs dont exist, why have their been wide spread reports and depictions of them since way before man was able to fly?

If ghosts are real, don't you think actual scientists and not reality-tv ghost hunter stars would actually do something about it?

Dont believe in ghosts, but this sounds like the no true scotsman fallacy.

If psychics who can see into the future real, why don't they just win the lottery in secret and stop with their walk-in readings?

Dont really believe in psychics, but maybe they do?

I think the camera quality in our phones today are a lot better than what we see today.

Can you explain no true scotsman fallacy? Sorry, I just googled it but I don't really get it. Why don't you believe in ghosts though?

Haha maybe psychics do .You heard of James Randi? Check out him:

Brilliant speaker and ex-magician who debunks psychics.

Thanks for commenting dude!

The camera quality in our phones is getting much better. But expecting to get a quality picture from the average persons phone of an object possibly miles in the air is a little unrealistic.

No true scotsman fallacy is like saying "anyone who is pro-life isnt a feminist". Basically you made the claim that people researching ghosts arent true scientists because some have a reality show.

I have heard of James Randi, have you heard of Annette Martin and other psychic detectives who have correctly predicted the locations of missing people?

I see. Thanks!

Nope I haven't heard of them. Let me go read up on them.

As for the fallacy, well, the point of my post is about going back to common sense. Yes, going deeper is important to find the truth, but I find that going too deep, and evading one's common sense is dangerous.

It sounds paradoxical, but yeah.

Isn't it a bad thing to overthink, overanlayze to the point you forgot why you started in the first place?

Common sense once told us that the world was flat, and man would never fly. Thanks to people who overthought, went to deep and evaded the "truth" we are were we are today.

thanks suriously you are doing a great job

I love someecards - they are always so absolutely spot on!