Have some faith in yourself for fuck's sake
Have some god damn faith in yourself.
Because faith is like, powerful.
It's the essence of you. It's your juice to start believing in yourself. It's the motherfucking tinder to create a blazing fire in you.
Without faith, you got nothing. You will be nothing. You'd be a miserable pile of shit that doesn't think he or she can amount to anything.
Faith is that powerful. Either you got it or you don't.
If you do, life would be great. Life would have meaning.
If you don't, life would suck ass.
Sounds scary? Well life is just fucking scary and there's nothing you can do about that.
But here's the good news... faith is free.
Free of charge. Zero dollars. No payment required. Keep your fucking credit card.
Here's another piece of good news... faith is ready anytime for you.
Ready to ship anytime. Accessible 24 fucking 7. Unlimited in motherfucking supply yo!
Are you going to fucking turn down the most awesome, freest thing in the world?!
Or are you going to quit being a bitch, have some faith and say, "I can do this"?
Doesn't fucking matter if you succeed or fail after that.
You put in faith and you tried. SHIT! SEE HOW AWESOME YOU WERE WHILE TRYING!?
You go you.
So have some motherfucking faith already.
You're a god.

Shite mun. Whippin’ Out the real ness! 👊😎
Yeah yo. Tired of holding back. Expect more fuckery soon, in the good sense.
So much easier to says than to apply.
How can we gain faith within ourself ? By having small succes. And what if your goals are too high ? Or takes more than than you expected? How to keep you faith ?
Yes. Not having faith will make your world miserable.
Your are article looks like mine when I try to keep the faith, where I try to convince myself.
But believe me, I am trying everday and i'ts so much more complicate than beliving that I am a god / awsome.
Just gotta keep on keeping on. Be patient.
And... have faith.
that hits the spot right between the ears, well done.
Thank you!
Thanks man, I needed that. ✊
Steem on brother.
Once again,
agreed! I really needed to hear this today and you made my day better. For that I thank you very much.